Lou @Lifewithloux

Aug 19, 2023
I think that was all for the camera trying to shock us that he’s so awful he’s going through her handbag, although let’s be honest she could having some meds in there she doesn’t want to share with him!
When she said that's what he was doing my first thought was he's getting his bank card but could be meds too she's definitely not clean. I don't know why she's changed it to 10 months clean in her bio when she admitted to taking pills sometimes 🤦‍♀️
Apr 22, 2023
When she said that's what he was doing my first thought was he's getting his bank card but could be meds too she's definitely not clean. I don't know why she's changed it to 10 months clean in her bio when she admitted to taking pills sometimes 🤦‍♀️
Weed as well… she can’t complain about having bad mental health and then do things known to affect mental health.
I’ve stopped drinking alcohol because the days after drinking my mental health was horrendous. I enjoy it when I’m drinking but it’s not worth the after effects
Jun 21, 2023
Can you imagine the uproar if he had slapped her? It’s not ok for anyone to slap anyone else.

Although I will be honest, how he hasn’t put a carrier bag over her head before now is beyond me. She is insufferable.
After the 'give me a black eye Ste' stuff he was quite insistent that he'd never hit her. Even went so far as to say to the effect of 'she pisses me off sometimes but I'd never do that, although it's tempting sometimes with the way she acts' (that bit was kind of in a joking tone - like he wouldn't *actually* sort of thing

In one of the articles talking about his crimes, it mentions that as a kid he saw his mum getting beaten up. I have a feeling, that while his 'mates' are fair game to be on the receiving end of his fists , that hitting a girlfriend is one line he won't cross.


May 11, 2023
Catching up on last nights lives, the second video about him cleaning the coffee absolutely SMACKS of that time she was sat on the sofa at Ste's crying because she wanted to clean the floor and he wouldn't move.

Her fing banging on about cleaning, then drying the floor...only to then say everywhere is a mess and full of fag ends. She is painfully jealous and resents Ste, the slightest inconvenience for her she will bring up him using her data bla bla bla.

Also, I think she truly is a nasty, vile, vindictive b. Her face actually changes, you can see it in her. Couldn’t care less what happens to the sack of s at this point.
Apr 20, 2023
What a load of s. Some part of her clearly wanted to try it and obviously liked how it made her feel to repeat it over and over.
One of the biggest issues Lou has is the total denial of any responsibility for her actions. She filmed herself last night, twisted what happened then fake cried when the actual truth was pointed put to her. Hate to keep on about it, but the saga of Molly's birth. All lies, once again being supported by women in a group chat. A telling detail, a psychiatrist was at the birth... She's a pathological liar.