Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 30, 2023
Catching up on last nights lives, the second video about him cleaning the coffee absolutely SMACKS of that time she was sat on the sofa at Ste's crying because she wanted to clean the floor and he wouldn't move.

Her fing banging on about cleaning, then drying the floor...only to then say everywhere is a mess and full of fag ends. She is painfully jealous and resents Ste, the slightest inconvenience for her she will bring up him using her data bla bla bla.

Also, I think she truly is a nasty, vile, vindictive b. Her face actually changes, you can see it in her. Couldn’t care less what happens to the sack of s at this point.
When her face changes if she's annoyed she looks pure evil!
Jun 21, 2023
One of the biggest issues Lou has is the total denial of any responsibility for her actions. She filmed herself last night, twisted what happened then fake cried when the actual truth was pointed put to her. Hate to keep on about it, but the saga of Molly's birth. All lies, once again being supported by women in a group chat. A telling detail, a psychiatrist was at the birth... She's a pathological liar.
The real reason she "didn't know I was pregnant"
Jun 21, 2023
Do you have the whole article?

Have you got a copy of the whole story? I’ve never seen it

Scroll down her Instagram posts to mid-November 2018. It's there. To post it would be 10 screenshots that I'd have to get in order and crop my profile pic out etc. I don't have time to watch much of the lives today as it is, sorry
Apr 16, 2023
How does one accidentally leave coffee on the floor? I’ve never in my life put a coffee on my kitchen floor because I’ve got these things called worktops
Ah but I’ve bet you’ve never had your coffee whilst sat on said Kitchen floor talking to a bunch of Instagram strangers whilst shovelling a mountain of tuna Mayo pasta into your foaming mouth either have you? May want to reassess your life choices.