Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

Feb 28, 2024
I was reading and saw what you wrote??! Is that ok???! Crikey. You think an awful lot of yourself that no one can question your actions.

No, I’m not Doubtfires bouncer. What I am is someone who called out what I saw.

Bullying. You were bullying her.
Well I disagree and so did others.

This is just the internet and strangers on threads to discuss tiktokers. I’m not getting into a barney over the internet.

I don’t think anything of myself I just comment on a forum… I haven’t thought of myself in any sense I’m an anonymous person
Apr 10, 2024
And i also said soz about aiming my comment at “all” but still stand by the eq lovers. I’m guessing a lot in that thread are maybe secret eq lovers. I came over here because that thread is cliquey as do, accuse everybody of being others, do me half of you were saying i was alex yesterday 🤣EQ says sumick wrong and half of CC on tiktok are uploading and posting what angie said ages ago and absolutely nothing about what EQ said. That’s exactly my point on her not getting called out. I came on CC because i seen people were getting called out but it’s selective
ooh sorry I forgot saying soz makes it all better when you said what you said about Jimmy Saville.

Yeah, it was massively suspicious that you happened to go on your rant about EQ moments prior to Alex going live and ranting about EQ and double standards and then surprise surprise you were in the comments of Alex's live when people started thinking you were Alex, was that supposed to make people less suspicious of you? Idgaf if you are Alex but at least be less blatant if you are. I mean rn you're coming across as defending Dementor Ange and Alex loves to do that lately.

Also who was putting out the pissy pants Ange and why didn't you purposefully name them if you wanted to beef them? Why say 'everyone' in the first place?
Mar 2, 2024
If people wanna use this thread because it's quieter or more chill just use it. Stop coming over here and pretending they've been pushed out a public thread making out they are the victim 😭 it's soooooo embarrassing 😭

It’s like victims r us in here. I’m surprised they haven’t got personalised body bags and matching toe tags.
Mar 2, 2024
Well I disagree and so did others.

This is just the internet and strangers on threads to discuss tiktokers. I’m not getting into a barney over the internet.

I don’t think anything of myself I just comment on a forum… I haven’t thought of myself in any sense I’m an anonymous person

Oh yeah, I forgot about the two others that agreed with you.

Care to share?

You were not pushed from that thread. You stropped off. It’s that simple. Go back and read the replies to your leaving speech.
Feb 28, 2024
Freddy mercury called us all Jimmy Saville supporters, EQ lovers and accused us all of trying to help EQ deflect from being called out for calling someone a horrible slur. Then ran away over here saying they've had a little tiff....

Bit like when you accused Mrs D of gaslighting then ran away 🤷‍♀️
I just saw this comment, can I just please comment in a thread about canangie and love island and the election without any issue pls.
oh piss off you don’t own this forum billy big bollocks!Stoo trying to act the gaffa on here. Actually i should have tagged all over you over there🖕🏻i think you’ll also find that’s not what i said is it now you little bullshitter. My comments are still the fas again..funny eq days all that and there’s loads of you on tiktok that have reposted what angie has said again 🤦🏻‍♀️nowt about eq though as there. Now do off and don’t reply to me again u gobby little t
Calm down, it’s diazepam time. You kind of did kick off and act all cryptic and weird. Why you typing so angry you can’t even make sense? If you don’t want to see her replies you can click ignore. I don’t think telling someone to stop replying to you works.

Think there’s a safe space thread on here somewhere if needed xx
I’m off to get chocolate to make brownie batter chocolate bars. BURN EVERYTHING DOWN

Burn Baby Burn Fire GIF by Mitski
Feb 28, 2024
I cannot argue with strangers on the internet about such trifling nonsense. Let’s be real and just carry on as we all were at approx 11.30am

The prada bag which I was about to discuss
The second one is prob not real but I kind of dont care.

I actually related it to Canangie as I think she is the kind of person that buys handbags (if she’s rich)


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