Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

Feb 27, 2024
There used to be a man called Mark Anderson that would jump in boxes and just kick off, only way I can describe him is a 50+ year old right wing gammon 🍖 proper Daily Mail reader.

He was a semi regular in Angies but he beefed people all over tiktok.

Can’t remember what kicked it it off but Dave offered him out for a fight and Mark never turned up but Dave did (and he had driven from Derby to Manchester) The app was in uproar begging Dave to think of his family 💀 delulu was pissed and trying to take bets and spin it so she could make money out of it. It was wild and funny as do.

We can add Taurian to the ‘People who will pull up hall of fame’ 💀

👑 Cinders
👑 Dave Doran
👑Mad Hatter
👑 Tony official

I’ve not seen Mark since… which is actually a shame cus despite being a massive melt he’s got good entertainment value when he kicks off. 😭
I think that Mark Anderson sits with HappyMumma and sometimes Rossy Reports. Is he scottish?


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
Canangie found a new target in Hayley Comet? since when?

Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four
Apr 10, 2024
brush shoulders dust off GIF by Bobbi DeCarlo

I am officially blowing the dust off of this thread and posting here so that all Can Ange related info stays in one place.

I have just been made aware that Kayles is messaging cc members on behalf of CA after CA was found to be sitting with plm members and (rightly) called out for it.

Kayles wrote in the DM she sent (quote):

"C.angie said to do off, she'll go where she likes and say whatever she likes. If you get ss of her in other lives then clearly they're in there too (meaning the cc members who took the ss), so why is it ok for them and not her? xx"

I would like to point out to CA and Kayles that yes, CA is free to say whatever she likes - however, she was ableist last night (early hours of this morning) and mocked those that are hearing impaired.

I would also like to point out that I don't speak for cc on the whole though personally when I happen across CA in lives and if I scr/screenshot I am likely in those lives because I am gathering information or supporting a fellow cc member who is also present.

CA openly admitted that she is present in those same lives just so she will be spoken about by us yet then tells us to 'do off', how peculiar.
She also behaves in an extremely friendly manner towards those hosting the lives that she claimed to know she should not be in due to them being plm - truly I have no words for that.
Nov 10, 2023
New battle of the morning begs, baguette vs Miss J. 🤣🤣🤣

Both are piss dribble in need of a tena.

Zias false teeth is the only tasty treat In the whole pile of se.

do me that TJ is tedious as hell.
Sleeping In Waking Up GIF by Travis

Wait, have I been impersonated or something? When was I begging?

Also my bladder is perfectly functional thank you. Kids came out the sunroof.