Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 2, 2024
Zia's Basement
I thought Angie was going live in 10mins 😂
Bet she’s having a temper tantrum

Tantrum Crying GIF
Mar 18, 2024
united kingdom
Let’s not forget Charlie fairy not only shared pissy pants ham sandwich he’s a weird man who talks inappropriately to men on the app when he’s done battles.

Short memory that he has his device checked. You get it checked if there’s previous. Not all of us are fing dumb.

Not to mention he was bestiezzz with pineapple and fiesty. do off you enabling scum bags

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
am i the only one that thinks Canadian angies live is just a EQ fan live? i cannot stand EQ and the fact that everybody excuses what she says because she owns it 🤦🏻‍♀️the girls a heed the ball. I don’t like racist pearl but people forget EQ was racist too. Bun EQ then bun her again and same with pearl and chester
Canadian Angie wouldn't have a platform had she not gifted EQ , as much as EQ `owns it` she's still a bad person , she was convicted of benefit fraud and to me , people like her are the reason so many that do need the help and safety net don't get it because her kind of story makes the papers and people just see `Benefit cheat`


Mar 1, 2024
Let’s not forget Charlie fairy not only shared pissy pants ham sandwich he’s a weird man who talks inappropriately to men on the app when he’s done battles.

Short memory that he has his device checked. You get it checked if there’s previous. Not all of us are fing dumb.

Not to mention he was bestiezzz with pineapple and fiesty. do off you enabling scum bags
Do you know why he gets or may get his devices checked?