Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


May 22, 2024
Catching up this morning but iirc Lisa mentioned the family connection in the original 'exposure' observer will probably have it. I believe everything she says about her past but I'm not convinced she's got the right person yet although cockercunts behaviour sure makes it seem she has!

If no one has ever seen Cockerpoo ever on the app how will anyone actually conclusively know that the identity they have is her?
Feb 28, 2024
Without trying to trigger anyone! When this happened it devastated me! I was working full time and my mental health and physical health spiralled! I was fainting at work and was suicidal and in and out of hospital! Being called a pedo infront of that many people when you know you are not is actually devastating me and cutstain were in bits!
I didn’t ever directly have any beef with miss red myself, but miss red was coming for my friends at the time! Miss red was making fake accounts of Chloe who went by chloeschillchat on Tt and her child whilst mocking cutstain (Zias false teeth) for something very personal which I won’t mention but it was horrendous!
As for the Chloe stuff she was distraught! she had just lost her nan and Donna was making accounts of her child and callling her a druggie! (she’s not a druggie!) and calling her child vile names and threatening social services on her….. this all started because miss red was a mod for mr uktiktok official who me and some friends used to try to raise awareness on and troll him! We had a Reddit group and we were all mods! There was an article that started going around accusing mr uktiktok official of being a rapist, miss red was no longer friends with mruktiktok and I think she ended up part of grandad gobshites group where they all ran with the accusation! It wasn’t the right Kevin and because people were accusing him of a fake a case it was making him a victim. (he’s not a victim he’s vile) so Chloe and fringe aka kayles, called up the courts and found out that it wasn’t mruktiktok and that’s where their beef started!
I might have some facts wrong because I wasn’t a member of the group then but I was there for all of the aftermath of it!
I did make one fake account of Donna it was called monqueefs ankle biter and it was a picture of miss reds dog originally, I didn’t use it to troll I just used it to ghost watch Kev 🤣!
I know some people will judge me for what I’m about to say, but when you see a friend so distressed that they have physically hurt themselves, all you want to do is hurt the person that did that… so I did change the profile picture of the account to a picture of miss red and her granddaughter and posted it into to the group chat, but then I realised that it wasn’t the right way to go about it and I deleted the whole account! it was never used to troll miss red and she wouldn’t have known about it if I didn’t fall out with Chloe and she didn’t throw me under the bus! But it was wrong!
As for the actual screen shot she showed on live and blamed on me that wasn’t the account! The name was scribbled out but the pic wasn’t and that’s how I know it wasn’t the account that was in our group chat…. The account miss red showed was from when PLM doxxed her but it didn’t fit her narrative!
As for miss J she’s an evil b! She wasn’t around for most of what happened she became friends with her when all of the beef was happening with our group and Donna! Zavvi was also involved and he held a live about us! Thats where we finally got proof it was Donna making Accounts of Chloe’s kid, because all of the accounts had misspelled the name Chloe and miss red was spelling it the same way in the chat when she was arguing with Chloe (miss red was spelling Chloe as chole!) I actually have screenshots too! So we threatened to out everything we had and miss red took that as we were going to dox her (because we had all her Facebook posts too) so she lied and made out she was in hospital because she was having a heart attack, and then miss J lied and said she lived with miss red and her child lives there too! 🤣😭 (we weren’t ever going to dox her anyway) but it all turned into a s show and we got harassed for weeks! I’ve just recently found out that one of the people who was harassing me was in fing plm too! It was kat🌶! She’s a nasty bully just like all of reds bully gang!

I’ve probably missed so many parts of the story but I’ve been waiting so long to have my say on this! I was just happy to watch reds downfall from my little telegram group, but I think it’s about time me and my friends had a voice!

To anyone who actually read all of that! 🤣 respect to you for listening to my story and I just want to say you are all amazing! You have all done so much in the past few weeks it’s been exciting to see all the big begs rattled 🤣❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

And to bazza I agree with grimsby Gobbler you are a fat incel! Now do off 🤣

Well that solves the mystery that red made the acc herself 😂
Kat is absolutely disgusting and I can't believe she's still insisting she was never in plm 💀😂
Whos Simon 🤣
super bowl GIF by TurboTax


Mar 7, 2024
Ok here is the video.
I’ll add credit to who found it when they respond and tell me if they want me to credit them.

He doesn’t explicitly say they’ve met in those words, but just take from it what you hear him say.

I can’t work out who’s live this is in because nobody seems to have a sub badge in the comments

View attachment 91fa5bdf3d2d4380b19f9be40165296e.mp4
It was that Evil Cockerpoo Luna, im sure she had Lisa in aswell but Lisa left before Cpoo joined because she said they werent allowed direct contact


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stoney 😈

May 27, 2024
suck ya mum
Well that solves the mystery that red made the acc herself 😂
Kat is absolutely disgusting and I can't believe she's still insisting she was never in plm 💀😂
Well I assume it was PLM because she did get doxxed by them! But the pic she actually showed on live wasn’t the profile I had made… that’s why she blocked out the name of the account I think! At the time I was so mentally unwell I couldn’t even fight back, so I just let it happen. it was actually my friends seeing how distraught I was that finally put an end to it…. but apparently Bazza wants to bring it all back up when I barely even come on tiktok anymore and Chloe (not chloe🖤) isn’t even here and probably doesn’t want all this s brought back up either! I’m not friends with her, but I’m sure she will be pleased to se her white knight bazza running around causing s for her again! 🤣
He also seems to forget he has messaged both J and red in the past! I’ve never messaged either of them and I never would and you can ask them yourself bazz because they both have me blocked! 🤣
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
She’s going to get sepsis or something, surprised her leg isn’t hanging off because that’s literally rotten 🤮🤮🤮🤮
As someone who spent 5 months in icu with sepsis and much longer in hospital/rehab it certainly looks like it could go septic at any minute. I don't heal well due to lupus but jesus, it must be fing painful, she must be on bloody horse tranqs not to be in agony!!!