Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 15, 2024
So Angie don't know the sex of her cat. Surely she took it to the vets to see if it's chipped. Someone may be looking for the cat. You don't just keep stray cats
i learnt my lesson through that although she had been to the vets i explained the situation and they never scanned her i managed to get a rescue to come and do it this year before the microchip law comes in and she was chipped and reunited with her owner after 4 years and they still send me photos and messages on how shes getting on and im also welcome to visit her they were really appreciative of how well i had looked after her id also posted local fb groups ect and no one came forfard or recognised her


Feb 28, 2024
So once again Angie wants to forget because its someone who kisses her ass yet others get spoken about constantly for less when they call out Angies s....
Marriage Love GIF by TLC Europe
Mar 2, 2024
No I’m not suggesting she hovers over them but she certainly isn’t parenting . I’m not interested in getting her itinerary but like everyone on tiktok we can voice our opinion. Seems I struck a nerve 😂 always picking and choosing who we discuss though 😂🤪

Sorry, I missed this last night.

You struck one of my nerves?! Also are you saying I pick and choose who we discuss?!

"Certainly isn’t parenting"

Is that you Ang??? What the do do you know about her kids?? Do you even know their names?! Are you living in her walls or something?!