Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

The Narrative

May 19, 2024
I found it cringy cos people were sat nodding their head looking sad for her. I can’t deal with s like that.
Kids are little ss. My daughter was little and I was in the bank at one kiosk and her dad at another. She pointed at him and said to a total stranger “he sleeps in my mammys bed” 😂😂
Oh the rumours that could of been with that 😂
Mine would also point out my favourite tipple in a shop and say mams pop. Made me look like an alki 😂
Feb 29, 2024
Did anyone just hear what EQ said about Hayley Comet? She’s so fing vile. She said Hayley looks so plain like a prawn cracker and no wonder her bloke beat her up.
That's disgusting!! Why dose she get away with so much!! If Hayley was my daughter I'd be going for EQ
How do you know this???? Please stay off the internet 😂😂😂
Feel like I've been told off and I should go to bed 🤣🤣🤣

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
I found it cringy cos people were sat nodding their head looking sad for her. I can’t deal with s like that.
Kids are little ss. My daughter was little and I was in the bank at one kiosk and her dad at another. She pointed at him and said to a total stranger “he sleeps in my mammys bed” 😂😂
When we were starting a family the misses worked as a carer , going into peoples homes etc and I remember my eldest proudly telling people everywhere we went what Mummy did for a job

`Mummy goes into peoples homes and changes nappies`
May 16, 2024
Btw, I'm uploading older videos I have that may (or may not) be of use to anyone who makes clip/receipt videos to my YouTube (got annoyed at the restriction size on here). Anyone is free to use if there's anything. If not, I'm just using up some space on YouTube's servers. 🤣

Some of them I am restricting to 18+ due to how fing vile Angie gets, such as when she was claiming AIDS is entirely the fault of gay men.

Or search DILLIGAFCC and my profile picture is similar to here.

I have zero organisation in my savings of screen recordings, so I'm going through them and clipping etc as I find them. 🤣 Gonna take a while, so defo won't be done soon.


May 15, 2024
Not the scat stuff tho marshy 😩😭
Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable


Dec 21, 2023
General G disgusts me.

Last summer he was in Dubai with HSTikkytokky, they flew out an OF model for general to hang around with.

The girl was 18 or 19 and obviously only went for some fun and clout. A video later surfaced of general g bullying and pressuring her into sex in a hotel room. He's in his 40s.
Yes this is exactly why I cant stand him, he was disgusting to that young girl 😟🤮🤮🤮
Feb 29, 2024
I found it cringy cos people were sat nodding their head looking sad for her. I can’t deal with s like that.
Kids are little ss. My daughter was little and I was in the bank at one kiosk and her dad at another. She pointed at him and said to a total stranger “he sleeps in my mammys bed” 😂😂
OMG that's so funny!! 🤣🤣🤣
I used to help run a Sunday school (looked after the babies) while my kids where having a lesson. The woman asked the kids 'why is Jesus here' my daughter stuck her had up and said 'Mary and Joseph had a special cuddle' 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the look I got!!!


Jun 2, 2024
Oh. Council Estate Crackhead wants to talk on me. Interesting🤨. Lemme tell you what I am. I am one of those gays that come for racists because they are racists. Period. Rather than drowning himself in his own blubber, our resident Baymax cosplayer should think about scurrying to the gym before his artery blockage gets the best of him. t.
Nov 10, 2023
Did anyone just hear what EQ said about Hayley Comet? She’s so fing vile. She said Hayley looks so plain like a prawn cracker and no wonder her bloke beat her up.

Hang on.

This person is insulting someone’s looks who is naturally fing stunning and also a kind and wonderful person?

Nah get fed you shiny balloon faced plazzy looking w.
Feb 29, 2024
Btw, I'm uploading older videos I have that may (or may not) be of use to anyone who makes clip/receipt videos to my YouTube (got annoyed at the restriction size on here). Anyone is free to use if there's anything. If not, I'm just using up some space on YouTube's servers. 🤣

Some of them I am restricting to 18+ due to how fing vile Angie gets, such as when she was claiming AIDS is entirely the fault of gay men.

Or search DILLIGAFCC and my profile picture is similar to here.

I have zero organisation in my savings of screen recordings, so I'm going through them and clipping etc as I find them. 🤣 Gonna take a while, so defo won't be done soon.
Do you know if you can have two YouTube accounts. I have one but has my real name as my account
Feb 29, 2024
Btw, I'm uploading older videos I have that may (or may not) be of use to anyone who makes clip/receipt videos to my YouTube (got annoyed at the restriction size on here). Anyone is free to use if there's anything. If not, I'm just using up some space on YouTube's servers. 🤣

Some of them I am restricting to 18+ due to how fing vile Angie gets, such as when she was claiming AIDS is entirely the fault of gay men.

Or search DILLIGAFCC and my profile picture is similar to here.

I have zero organisation in my savings of screen recordings, so I'm going through them and clipping etc as I find them. 🤣 Gonna take a while, so defo won't be done soon.
Do you know if you can have two YouTube accounts. I have one but has my real name as my account
OMG that's so funny!! 🤣🤣🤣
I used to help run a Sunday school (looked after the babies) while my kids where having a lesson. The woman asked the kids 'why is Jesus here' my daughter stuck her had up and said 'Mary and Joseph had a special cuddle' 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the look I got!!!
By the way I soon stopped going church. As one Sunday morning (church was just across the road) I was rushing with a toddler and two little ones. I was wearing wedge heels and was carrying toddler. Wedge heel gave way and I fell on top of my daughter and she chipped her tooth 🥺 so I was like sod this doing a good thing 🤣