Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Breaking News to Alex only, you still have that ego luv. There’s such a fine line between confidence and cocky, one appeals to women and the other is merely dick measuring vibes.

Season 6 Nbc GIF by The Office
I hate him so much. The ego hasn't changed it just got worse. Why does anyone think he is a nice person?
Feb 29, 2024
I’ve heard of Alicia more than I’ve ever heard of black pope 🤣
He’s so desperate to be like CLA I swear down!
That man is angry at the world because he thinks he deserves to be number one without doing anything apart from know CLA when she was younger!
It’s actually embarrassing to watch him excuse racist behaviour so that he will be loved and accepted by white creators! I feel sorry for him! He must have so much internalised hate and racism that he probably doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, and that’s really sad! He seems to be able to speak his mind though… which make me think he’s doing it because he wants to be a somebody on tiktok!
Feb 29, 2024
Wow 😮 stay off TikTok for the night and all this kicks off!

The Gypsy feud involved driving wagons into houses, petrol bombs, violence. I’m not sure which side did what, but it was brutal.

Tam needs to just stop ✋ each day she makes herself look more of a t. She takes the time to excuse her behaviour, yet chastises others for way less than she’s done or said.

When she asked if she’s the problem? The answer is yes 👍 you are part of the problem on TikTok. You shout, rant, threaten people, you make the most ridiculous claims, you’re a bully, bullying people to try and make your point, then cry “I’m being bullied”. You’re toxic, and form toxic relationships. The type of people you align yourself with says it all really. I do believe you enjoy being part of a controversial group of people, it allows you the attention you so desperately crave.
Well I did just write a massive paragraph reply to this, but I deleted it because I did mention kids but only in the context of getting possibly bullied in school over her behaviour…. This will still probably be used against me but I don’t give a s…. I hope it never happens but kids aren’t stupid and they are extremely brutal!
Feb 29, 2024
If you read the description it would be self explanatory
J is transphobic too! Did she ever jump in the box and tell Donna to stop constantly talking about elfbars genitals? No she laughed along…. Just like she always has done sit there and laugh and no one will notice that she’s not calling people out for their s 🤣