Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 10, 2024
Come On Reaction GIF


New member
Jul 16, 2024
@MMM made an astute observation this morning when she asked the question, would you have noticed CC if it weren’t for your poorly friend Luper…
My guess is you wouldn’t have. So that taints the lens from which you view this ‘public forum’
Baiting a bunch of like minded people for kicks is questionable imo. And thusly, your card is marked, fo sho.
Absolutely it taints the lens, but we are all human are we not?

And as for the baiting, is this not done by some in here in the comments section on TT? I was interested to see what else would be said with extremely limited information on me as a person, I will say I was pleasantly surprised to see that there is zero tolerance on talking about someone as a parent etc.

As for cards marked, again perception is reality that either changes other time or it doesn't sometimes we can impact that perception sometimes we can't
Apr 10, 2024
Well now you know 😜😂 it's not a case of bitching. I find forums and things like this fascinating and I personally think it's really important for people to have differing opinions and discuss those opinions. Does that make me a Mysoginist or a relative of sloth? 😂 No what it means is there is an opportunity for a conversation to be had. Like I've just said on MMM live I'm sure for the the majority there are lovely amazing people on here that need a space to vent. I initially mentioned CC on MMM live to see what would be said about me as a person and the responses were quite definitive from the get go. For example the Mysoginist comment from yourself but I am also adult enough to understand that someone's perception is there reality, in most cases if I feel someones perception is wrong about me I would hope I could change that opinion by showing them who I actually am but we also live in a world where people really struggle to change perceptions no matter the facts presented (Angie is a perfect example of that) another example being at present my perception of CC the difference here being I am willing to listen. Hope that makes sense
You gave yourself away during the cc live hosted by @MMM previously when @Mrs Doubtfire 👵🏼 was in the box everything was very positive yet you decided (despite being on holiday at that time) to join the boxes and give a very biased and negative view that came across as extremely bitter.

I know why, of course, I'm not oblivious - Luper wasn't exactly quiet or discreet either when she saw a comment in this thread (one that was not severe) and decided to blame the entirety of cc for something utterly unrelated despite the fact that the vast majority of cc has (had) no idea who she is (she then apologised to one of us, tried to suck up to that person and then made a hate song about us???? Bizarre to say the least.)

I have no time nor energy for those that wish to try and fake niceties here (or elsewhere) only to speak badly on the flip side, it's two-faced and frankly very childish thing to do yet that is what you tried to do and also what Luper tried to do and I will say this - as you said yourself, Rich, it's really important for people to have differing opinions and this is mine.

I also find it strange that you were low-key picking on yourself and trying to encourage others to as well as trying to bait people to speak on children which is deplorable and something cc do  not condone though I guess it speaks for the person that you are, eh?

Some free advice as well, perhaps you should spend more time trying to change your perception of reality to alter your opinions (which are obviously rooted in unfair bias) before you come for anyone here and try to compare them to someone like Delupoo who is a racist/ableist/homophobic/transphobic bigot who platforms peds and excuses DV - maybe also invest in a mirror, you know, you seem to think you are the epitome of male beauty and I wish I could say that I am sorry to shatter this illusion for you but you are very basic looking. It's giving 'I did a DNA test and discovered I have Scandinavian ancestry so I started cosplaying as a Viking'.

Take care, Rich and give regards to Luper, I truly hope she brings out another song as I really enjoyed the last one 😇