Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 2, 2024
Guys asks Ellie why she contacted me to post everything she had on mamma K and Miss Red in here.

Then when I did post it, she would read it and her story kept changing so i had to edit my posts.
At first she had receipts and then her story changed, she also said she couldn't deal with the backlash and didn’t involve herself in drama, yet she seems to be in the centre of it.

Yep, I made a complete cock of myself that day, when I posted all that s about Mama k having a gun, and how Papa D had a fatuation about killing and harming people, Oh and lets not forget, the story where Miss Red was responsible for leaking EQs childhood trauma of when her mother tried to drown her, and It all turned out to be BULLSHIT.

I could say so much more, but I won't bore you all, most of you will probably remember. There you go, that's my experience of Little pink Buddha.
Last Man Standing Halloween GIF by Laff

So not a credible source really 😂😭


Ellie you’re a conniving b. That’s all I’m saying.
I should have known what she was when she said "she felt sorry for eq"

I'd just like to point out, I did not message her, she messaged me wanting info after I'd done a post about Olly, when he was talking about Miss Red, and mentioned Ellie.
She's sly as do.
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