Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Yes definitely, if she's trapped him in there with no litter box he would probably be scratching at the door to go out for a wee, but she probably ignores him and then he pees in the room. Because he's been peeing in the wardrobe he'll keep peeing in there because he can smell it, I highly doubt she's cleaned up his former pee properly ( I know how to properly remove cat pee and I'm not telling you Ang)
But the bed pee is either a cry for help or he's been peeing there all along
Jesus, that’s heartbreaking. I hope she reads this and is rightly ashamed of herself and puts things right.

Angela, you’re always saying you love animals, love the one in your house - for do’s sake.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I stand by what I said
Can I offer a different perspective? Just from speaking to my Jewish friends. To them Zionism is their fundamental belief that Jewish people will return to Israel as their mother land. It's a huge focus of their worship and why they do everything they do. To them that belief and worship to god is what Zionism is.

To them the murder of innocent Palestinians isn't Zionism. It's genocide and an act of terrorism.

Now I'm not Jewish but I think that pepperbell is, but I have Jewish friends and it's how it's been explained to me. Some Jewish people find the almost "rebranding" of the word Zionism to describe the Israeli Jews murdering Palestinians offensive.

We don't have to agree, it's just another point of view.

I'm grand

Mar 7, 2024
Good evening one and all 😁
Ive been catching up all evening and lordy lord has it been wild!!
I was listening to Angie on my lunch break today and left once pearl started talking utter bollocks! She's saying in one breath that its wrong for the 18 year old and the 15 year old... But it wasn't wrong when it was her nephew! And NO pearl, the travelling/ gypsy community do not support or condone underage relations!! End of!!
@Miss Baguette 🥖 or should I say the Bread Lady 🤣 how does Angie know your bedroom is small?? 👀 She was roaring it a million times today 🤣🤣🤣
Next - this morning someone here was basically saying we shouldn't be in people's lives (Charlie, Angie etc). While I get your methodology re for each of us in there, its more viewers etc. , unfortunately it's just not that simple. I go into fs lives because Ghost watching just doesn't work for me. If I'm Ghost watching I'm literally stuck with TT on my phone. do that! I can't Ghost watch and come in here for example. I listen to TT and go from app to app on my phone. That's just me! I follow most of the fs so I can find their lives easily. While I owe no one an explanation - that's the method in my madness!! Also, I came on here to say what I think/ feel about these fs. I can't say it in their lives but I can say it here without getting banned and s!!!
Next, I was reading soppy s here where you all got squishy and gooey - stop that s right now 🤣🤣🤣 But no, seriously, well done to you all for sharing your stories and for being brave badasses ❤️❤️❤️
I've just realised that I'm making a habit of long daily rants in here 🙈 its kinda therapeutic 🤣
Mar 15, 2024
Sad The Office GIF
God if we all had a mrs doubtfire in our life what a world it would be.😭😭can you imagine on dark days having that go to person,(spending over a year in depression after having a sick baby and struggling beyond anything I thought imaginable, i wish I would have had a mrs doubtfire to talk to)it takes someone extremely special to have such peace that can spread over everyone. If I may never have a mrs doubtfire in my life, I wish my babies, themselves find a friend or partner like mrs d then i know they will be happy and guided safely in life ❤️
Apr 7, 2024
Can I offer a different perspective? Just from speaking to my Jewish friends. To them Zionism is their fundamental belief that Jewish people will return to Israel as their mother land. It's a huge focus of their worship and why they do everything they do. To them that belief and worship to god is what Zionism is.

To them the murder of innocent Palestinians isn't Zionism. It's genocide and an act of terrorism.

Now I'm not Jewish but I think that pepperbell is, but I have Jewish friends and it's how it's been explained to me. Some Jewish people find the almost "rebranding" of the word Zionism to describe the Israeli Jews murdering Palestinians offensive.

We don't have to agree, it's just another point of view.
I get you, but i was supporting palastine way before October, and the way they were being treated was in my eyes inhumane, literally living like prisoners I have researched a bit, I am no expert, I take great offence being called anti semetic along with t, racist so on and so forth, I have posts on my page about the kids of gaza and do not no what she's talking aboutme committing a hate crime Islamaphobia is rife also, it's not a competition 🤷🏻‍♀️
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Babaloosha is pissing there because he's pissed there once, she's not cleaned it and now he's doing it continuously. She'll need to treat it with an enzyme cleaner. Shes also said before he doesn't have a litter tray because he goes outside, but he has to ask to go outside or out her room. He needs a litter tray inside, access to outside and not locked in rooms. He'll be spraying all over the house. And he's definitely not neutered either.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I get you, but i was supporting palastine way before October, and the way they were being treated was in my eyes inhumane, literally living like prisoners I have researched a bit, I am no expert, I take great offence being called anti semetic along with t, racist so on and so forth, I have posts on my page about the kids of gaza and do not no what she's talking aboutme committing a hate crime Islamaphobia is rife also, it's not a competition 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm just explaining to you why some Jewish people find the term Zionist so offensive. And probably why it's made pepperbell angry too. I didn't watch the live. I'm not having a go 😊