Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 16, 2024
She genuinely would do ANYTHING for some views.

Why give a do about Alfie’s mental health when he was talking to literal children but she didn’t care about fact freaks mental health when she played those voice notes?

Because she doesn’t care about mental health. She just uses it when it is convenient to her.

Who the do is Dena?
Dena is another EQ Minx type. She's also going to the edl rally... I mean peaceful protest at the weekend.
What Charlie done was disgusting but the guys were of age they are not minors angie you thick t
The issue with Charlie is why his devices are checked this would only really happen if he had images of minors or something on his device or even maybe a past of revenge porn but the fact his devices are checked not for the reason he says. Everyone is kinda in limbo with that
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
She forgets a bit chunk of her gifts probably come from those who claim some kind of benefit. £700 is nothing a month , people would do anything to have proper mobility , pain free etc. She's a true Tory voter.
Exactly, I don't get that much pip BUT I'm greatful for what I get. I would however swap that money to be able to walk further than afew steps, always be able to use my hands and not be in constant pain!
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
THIS. I get £500 a month to help with my medical cannabis which dulls my fibro pain, and then I have £150 at most to spend on anything else I need to help me, such as art supplies to help distract me from my MH. If I had the money, I'd buy my family a bungalow, since my mum and I find it very difficult to go up and down the stairs. Glad that dread has the disposable income at her fingers... NOT
Oh I'd love a bungalow, takes me ages to get up and down and if I forget something I cry! 🤣

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Hi everyone. Sorry i left the live in such a way the other day. I'm not a person that lets things get to me very easily. I'm a hard face b and the s in my life has certainly contributed to that. I'm disappointed in my self tbh but the stuff being discussed really pushed me over. I had a good cry and slept the rest of the day.

Since then my Mam has been admitted to hospital after a heart attack so I'm still feeling fragile. However I need and distraction and ranting in here usually makes me feel better plus the way you all make me howl laughing.

Thankyou to those that have reached out to me. Much appreciated. I hope your all doing ok ❤🤎
Much love to you and your Mum. This place has certainly kept my spirits up and kept me distracted and still does with things going on x