Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 8, 2024
I think you might have something! I'm not a fan of Eq but I don't get why she wod randomly go into sheps live and do that! Why also name a place near her as well. Maybe she did but Angie has also denied sending that message to Alicia maybe there's something untoward going on or maybe not 🤷‍♀️
Angie defo sent it to me. She thinks I’m pretty
May 16, 2024
Animated GIF
Animated GIF
Animated GIF

i'm sorry
Criminal Minds Jj GIF by CBS


Feb 28, 2024
Is it a GPS tag
I assume so. My only query is It is probably your standard location tag which can also be provided to SO (sex offenders) etc where it monitors their movements i.e playgrounds. If he was a burglerer and has entered a new location i.e a house he has never attended to before that surely would raise alarm bells with the OIC? Unless the police from earlier are aware of him and haven't flagged it as usually they have a whiteboard system with all breached tag offenders on
I assume so. My only query is It is probably your standard location tag which can also be provided to SO (sex offenders) etc where it monitors their movements i.e playgrounds. If he was a burglerer and has entered a new location i.e a house he has never attended to before that surely would raise alarm bells with the OIC? Unless the police from earlier are aware of him and haven't flagged it as usually they have a whiteboard system with all breached tag offenders on
Ah yeah I just googled the GPS tag and that was one of the first images that look similar, but yeah they are used for a range of things from reading up. He could of also just come out of prison they are used then aswell. Surely the police should of checked who is was when they showed up they may know of him. She's always putting herself in dangerous situations but this one could be extremely dangerous 😣


Feb 28, 2024
I assume so. My only query is It is probably your standard location tag which can also be provided to SO (sex offenders) etc where it monitors their movements i.e playgrounds. If he was a burglerer and has entered a new location i.e a house he has never attended to before that surely would raise alarm bells with the OIC? Unless the police from earlier are aware of him and haven't flagged it as usually they have a whiteboard system with all breached tag offenders on
Also adding on: the benefits with the location tag is if an incident occurred at said location it's a form of evidence the police can use


Feb 28, 2024
Ah yeah I just googled the GPS tag and that was one of the first images that look similar, but yeah they are used for a range of things from reading up. He could of also just come out of prison they are used then aswell. Surely the police should of checked who is was when they showed up they may know of him. She's always putting herself in dangerous situations but this one could be extremely dangerous 😣
I imagine the officers in charge of his cases and/or the courts and their conditions with him will see where he is and check who resides at the property for both their safeguarding purposes. More emz than him I imagine but there's no specific crimes that are placed on tags, it can range from being released from prison like you said to a suspended community bail etc