Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


May 22, 2024
I see Angiethegrinch and Lynz reposting videos against what has happened, videos against racism. But they sit with Angie and listen to her spout her uneducated bullshit and dont say anything? It makes no sense to me. Same with lifeontheedge,her lives now are the complete opposite of Angies so how did she sit and support that woman for so long.

Yeah this really baffles me about LOTE - I’ve ghost watched a few of her lives and was actually quite surprised by how balanced and informative and inclusive they were so the fact she sat with Flange and her vile rhetoric for so long surprises me


Apr 17, 2023
This fella explains why Tiny Tommy had had to flee the country regarding all the lies he told in his documentary about the young boy, he has all the court documents
I don’t even care about giving away my location, my eldest went to the same school as the boy that Tommy told lies about, he could barely speak English and was bullied badly by Bailey and other kids. Tommy then decided to come out and make out this kid was a bully, he ignored the parents that contacted him to tell him he was wrong, baileys family were the typical estate bullies and the video of him bullying the victim was the final straw and their home was attacked, it’s not right but everyone has a line. Because he’s Muslim in Tommys eyes he could never be a victim. He disgusts me


I agree. If it became a civil war i.e the whole public vs the police at once and the police were severely outnumbered and injured then send army in to SUPPORT them but never to fight a civil matter.

The downside is the more power the police get the more likely for them to be more liable to risk of injury on members of the public and the more likely people will become fearful of them. As well I think it will just cause further escalation, best police can do is protect communities and hopefully these dickheads either get bored or get detained and deter as numbers when they see people around them get prosecuted
As harsh as this sounds, people have lost respect and no longer fear the police so giving them a little extra power will at least restore some respect. I'm not meaning that they should go in hammer and tongs with a no fs given attitude, I'm meaning train more 'trusted' law enforcement officers to use tasers etc.

The problem with prosecution is that they will get off lightly because the prisons are full to capacity so it's very unlikely they'll be given the punishment they deserve so they'll never learn and they'll just carry on re offending.

I do agree that if the army are needed it should only be when law enforcement are over run, but part of me see it as being a waste of valuable resources just for the sake of a bunch of scumbags who are running around acting like Billy big bollocks when they could train and arm all front-line officers with Tasers.


Welcome back @Medusa xx
Welcome Home GIF
Well thank you Poppins 😘
happy i love you GIF by Rebecca Hendin


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
I know people are calling for the army to come in and help with the riots, but I'll be absolutely gutted if they do because we should never have to do peacekeeping in our own country.

The army don't have anymore power than the armed police, and it's been at least 200 years since the British forces were needed to read any riot act.

Yes we had been brought in to help when the fire service went on strike and many were called in to help during covid but never in our lifetime have they been needed for peacekeeping.

Maybe I'm seeing it from a personal point of view, but I think they should give police officers more power than what they have. I do understand its not as straightforward because you will get the odd few that will abuse that power, but that will be very few and far between.

This country has gone mad and its soul destroying to watch.

Couldn’t agree more. Also, where does everyone think they will all go, if they mass arrest in one evening? There literally aren’t the holding facilities. This is why we will see more targeted arrests in days to come, they’ll hear a knock on their doors, while eating their kebabs
Apr 7, 2024
I don’t even care about giving away my location, my eldest went to the same school as the boy that Tommy told lies about, he could barely speak English and was bullied badly by Bailey and other kids. Tommy then decided to come out and make out this kid was a bully, he ignored the parents that contacted him to tell him he was wrong, baileys family were the typical estate bullies and the video of him bullying the victim was the final straw and their home was attacked, it’s not right but everyone has a line. Because he’s Muslim in Tommys eyes he could never be a victim. He disgusts me
When it first happened didn't Tommy go and see him to express his concern or am I thinking of someone else.


Couldn’t agree more. Also, where does everyone think they will all go, if they mass arrest in one evening? There literally aren’t the holding facilities. This is why we will see more targeted arrests in days to come, they’ll hear a knock on their doors, while eating their kebabs
Exactly! And you can guarantee that not all of them have been identified so they'll never be held accountable for their actions.
Ngl, I'd lose my s if I was cuffed during mealtimes, I can only stomach food once a day so I'd be so pissed off, I think that would learn me a valuable lesson and I'll never re-offend again, or I'd think twice before i did. 😭
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Feb 28, 2024
Exactly! And you can guarantee that not all of them have been identified so they'll never be held accountable for their actions.
Ngl, I'd lose my s if I was cuffed during mealtimes, I can only stomach food once a day so I'll be so pissed off, I think that would learn me a valuable lesson and I'll never re-offend again, or I'd think twice before i did. 😭
😭most custodys let them have an 8 hour kip and give them food and drinks and suprisingly people can bring anyone in custody that their relatives of food from shops long as its sealed 🤣🤣probably why people do s like this! Free fing hospitality especially if their NFA
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
My daughter and I were discussing the riots and she said something that had me choking. She said she doesn’t understand why they are mad. Didn’t they go on boats and steal land to make America? That they invented illegal immigration.

confused GIF by X Factor Global
One dusty old white woman said she knows how the Native Americans felt now because it's happening to her in England 😭


😭most custodys let them have an 8 hour kip and give them food and drinks and suprisingly people can bring anyone in custody that their relatives of food from shops long as its sealed 🤣🤣probably why people do s like this! Free fing hospitality especially if their NFA
Whey, they did me bad, I was lifted not long after I left the army and they starved me and took most of my clothing. I was fecking freezing. 🥶

Don't judge me guys, It was self defence after someone broke into my house at 10.10am and started walking out my door with my stacking system in a black bag. Touch my stuff I touch you.. simples. 😁
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