Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Jun 13, 2024
That London
£8 to live on if you get food at accommodation!! £8!! So that's for clothes basci hygiene stuff!! What about period products! I know it's better then nothing but the media make out they get hundreds! Get phones and even cars!!
Take about £5 off that for bus fair to go & sign at the immigration centre weekly

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
I think you've responded to the wrong post, 😭 unless you're asking Nolan if he's been anywhere near angie hoop.

I'm weak 🤣😭

Run Away The Office GIF


Jun 17, 2024
I was using Australia as an example actually.

If its because of war then why are they leaving there wives and children behind if its that bad and the thousands they spend on come over via boats they could use that to do it legally!

It's not hate, just being realistic!
It's not a realistic example when people going to Australia are going because of sunshine not because their homes are being bombed.

But there are women and children coming. Believing it's just thousands of migrant men shows you are being brainwashed by the media. A couple of migrants saying they had to leave their loved ones behind because they could only afford one space isn't proof that every single one has a fully family at home. People are dying out at sea just trying to get to a safer place. Realistically who's more likely to survive being bombed or the boats capsizing? Probably men.

Can you provide any rescores to show that these migrants are getting hospital appointments over citizens and stealing all the benefits? Also you are aware that british born people also claim benefits without ever having paid into the system? What do we do with them?
Feb 29, 2024
They get treatment dont they!! They get alot more that what is stated on that website!

Your making me sound like a monster for having a realistic opinion! We can't help everyone one and other services are struggling because of immigration.

For example if you wanted to immigrate to Australia would u just turn up and expect to live there and get disability?? How's that right? There are systems in place and rules to follow if you want to live in another country.

When we go to holiday do people from the UK get free treatment! No you have to pay for it! Then we can claim it back if we have insurance.
Someone I know who is from Poland her mother needed a knee replacement. So her mother came and stayed with her daughter for a while and had the operation here (was in a room to herself and had an interpreter at 100 per hour all paid for by the NHS) then she went back home to Poland! So when people that have paid into the system can't have the treatment they need or because the medication it too expensive its frustrating!

Maybe that makes me heartless, but like I said my family came here with nothing and got nothing!
Your family had nothing so why would you want another to family have nothing. There is no correct way to come to the UK for safety. I'm not making you out as a monster. I'm pointing out what you said, which would leave children and adults at a greater risk. Say for instant now a child in the care system can get help till they are 25 (help with University ect) I was out of the care system at 16. I wouldn't think to say well I didn't have help why should the government help them. If the government gave them nothing we'd have to take their children off them and put them in care. We obviously don't agree with each other which is fine. But as a human I couldn't let another human suffer and be without shelter and food. We're not allowed to treat animals that way. By the way I have 4 Rominina Street dogs and fostered over 20. Because the county is poor and very cruel. I bring these dogs over even tho we have dogs in kennels in the uk. Because UK dogs in a shelter have food and shelter and kindness. I may not be able to save every dog but for that one dog I made a difference. This is no different to how I feel about refugees. Every human deserves the same opportunities as the next person.
Nov 14, 2023
Every Where
Delulu is so dumb. I am a survivor of domestic abuse. When it started I was the sweetest most non-violent person in the world. I would cry at the drop of a hat. After what I went through years ago it made me the meanest b you never want to cross. I will never be someone's victim again. If tears are in my eyes you better run because someone is getting hurt.
Feb 29, 2024
I was using Australia as an example actually.

If its because of war then why are they leaving there wives and children behind if its that bad and the thousands they spend on come over via boats they could use that to do it legally!

It's not hate, just being realistic!
I'll tell you why the men come here without their family. They come here by boat which is unsafe so they leave their families behind. They try and settle here then will bring their family over in a safe way. They is no legal way for them to come here. There is no process to do this. We open our arms to Afghanistan why not other families
Feb 29, 2024
Take about £5 off that for bus fair to go & sign at the immigration centre weekly

Delulu is so dumb. I am a survivor of domestic abuse. When it started I was the sweetest most non-violent person in the world. I would cry at the drop of a hat. After what I went through years ago it made me the meanest b you never want to cross. I will never be someone's victim again. If tears are in my eyes you better run because someone is getting hurt.
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I absolutely despise Angie with a passion and I'm no stranger when it comes to calling her out on here, and I can see why the odd few jump in her box to defend themselves or to put their side across, but holding a live for hours on end going back and forth is only giving her views, a reason to play the victim and she'll gain more sympathy off the back of it.

I wish people would realise that there's more ways to skin a cat.
Mar 15, 2024
I honestly can’t understand how people whose family has experienced coming over as immigrants turn against immigrants. Like it’s ok we’re settled we don’t need anymore. What if turned against them when their family were immigrants and stopped them coming into the country then. I’m with you Little Marshmallow, they’re putting themselves at risk just for the sake of it