Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 27, 2024
He told Alicia he hoped she would get graped , has been arrested while live streaming for stalking also he robbed a shop with a carrier bag on his head...

I’ve never come across him before. His kitchen looks like Holly Stanley’s though. I saw him on live yesterday and he was being accused of talking to an underage girl. It was really suss and he was saying she was 32 but didn’t have a phone. Weird


Mar 17, 2024
So I’m just listening to Angie and thinking…. if I was to scroll across her today on live I’d really believe she was a victim.
I can totally see why people get sucked in by her. She plays SR’s that suit her narrative & often cuts them short.
Not sure why I’m writing this as I knew it already but it’s been even more eye opening watching with a different lense.
May 16, 2024
She's changing the story again. 🤦‍♂️ This is why people question it. This and the fact that she's screamed at her Mother saying her Mother poisoned him.

And saying "what's it got to do with Fact Freak", well what has Fact Freak's alleged sexual preferences, kinks and past relationships and previous mental crisis got to do with her? do all. But it all comes back to the standard Angie can say whatever she wants about whoever she wants, no holds barred, nothing is too low or too private. But anyone dares talk on Angie and her ever-changing stories, her malicious lies, her outlandish accusations and her ridiculous justifications and they are the worst of the worst, send them to the gallows, feed them to the sharks, off with their heads.

Get to do. 🖕