Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
Question. So I can’t sleep because one of my medications I have sends me to sleep (it’s not meant for sleep) but I forgot to pick them up and ran out. I just found one under my bed that I know must have been there for a month minimum. It doesn’t feel soggy and I’ve cleaned it up. Is it acceptable to take it? (It’s not an exciting demi type med, it’s heart medication and not addictive or pleasant, I’m not an addict to it 😂) but my heart rates high and I’m too excitable to sleep.

It’s too late I’ve taken it but now I’m looking for reassurance
It didn't look like any spiders had been licking it did it? Why were you searching for pills under your bed at almost 3 am? I can reassure you that the cleanliness to ingest is ok, it won't poison you.
Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
It didn't look like any spiders had been licking it did it? Why were you searching for pills under your bed at almost 3 am? I can reassure you that the cleanliness to ingest is ok, it won't poison you.
Do spiders lick? I didn’t think of that. Eurgh what if it shagged it? 😭 thanks a lot. I take them to lower my heart rate but it sends me to sleep, I slept 3.5 hours last night and can’t fall asleep, don’t judge me

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
Do spiders lick? I didn’t think of that. Eurgh what if it shagged it? 😭 thanks a lot. I take them to lower my heart rate but it sends me to sleep, I slept 3.5 hours last night and can’t fall asleep, don’t judge me
Oh no you swallowed little spideys sex toy, ew all covered in spider jizz. You should have stopped at do spiders lick 😂😂😂

I don't judge, i take all sorts of pills. I don't sleep but if it's really really bad I'll eat sugary stuff and as a diabetic it helps me to fall asleep. I do not recommend this to anyone!

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
do me...the way he said "get LOADS in there" woah man, that was creepy af

I think Alex discord would NOT be a safe space

I don't think he's going to murder any damsels but I like the imagery of evil

snow white murder GIF


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Urgh trolling when you’re just not funny is never gonna work. I picture him, in his 7 sizes too small boxers, all sweaty, laughing at himself 🤮🤮 his heavy breathing is an issue due to his size, he really should see a Dr, it’s very concerning (not for me, but I’m sure someone is concerned).

@2 Pumps and a Chinese 🌸 hope the spider jizz helped you sleep eventually x


Mar 1, 2024
That's so sad. I know there's a lot of self-imposed pressure to provide kids the entire stock of Smyth's for their birthday, but surely begging on tiktok could wait until they are in bed and you just make the best of it that you can? I don't know. I'm presuming the kid(s) whose birthday it is isn't a teenager, as obviously that age isn't as pleased with a trip to the swings and a kickabout. 🤷‍♂️😂
The benefits system is quite good compared to years ago ,there's no excuses for being skint,it's bad management bet she smokes