Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
There really isn't a brain cell between these two women

homer brain GIF
Every weekend they think they run tiktok and cause some sort of fery every weekend it backfires on them, they are the wrinkled pair of muppets that end up crying and hurt no one else. What really pisses me off is no one else can have a voice apart from them pair of drunken sickos they are I'd be absolutely embarrassed if I had to be related to either.
Also she has no police case the amount of times she has spouted she does has anyone ever seen anything come of it nope, I remember the lives she used to do at the police station at one point she was literally like mruktiktok she was never out of the place. The time she also rang the police herself and pretended she didn't they dropped her in it along with the men she has endangered on lives also the woman is a walking danger.
Missed everything today but I doubt anythings changed, I bet the fs are still being fs & a quick fly kick to the head would help.

Whats happening here??
A quick recap they spent most of the day victim shaming in regards to the JC situation. Which then moved onto talking about Markus, that then led to them doing their usual weekend fery of trying to piss everyone off so this weekend was Emz turn they decided to use a green screen of her kitchen. Emz bit back and drew broccoli's over the kitchen which of course has triggered the delulu one. Since that Alicia has gone into hustles box to give a few truths which has now led to another delulu pitty party for one.


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
So not only do you need to subscribe to Hayley's TikTok to get the discord link you also need to pay a discord subscription to be part of her community? Gifts online, a wishlist & her merch that is £25 for a mug with an AI image is crazy.

Especially since she's portrayed that she doesn't do this for the money 👀
£25 for a fing mug! do that, I will stick to my £1 Asda special.
You would have to be a mug to pay them prices.
It reminds me of when that Dan Spragg was buying teddies from Temu for less than £5 and was selling them on as his merch for £50.