Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Dec 21, 2023
When Angie goes live what's the bet she will be ona rant about Charlie and her clapper

Happy Gary Vaynerchuk GIF by Russell Brunson
Mar 10, 2024
What is strange is that at first it was ludicrous because you 'cant send messages through an xbox' - you can. Then it was 'she said Paul McCartney was robbing her', well we have a Judas, a medusa, and a Mrs Doubtfire in here. And then theres that very intense reaction to the topic being brought up. Very panicked, 'dont let crazy people into boxes' -just let them in your inbox so it's other creators outed? hmm.
And weren't chip-on-his-shoulder etc all in here and one account dipped because of how it would look.
Actually they all did, Popeye blaze even alluded to it.

Very sneaky, very sus, not very demure. Sloppy
Last edited:
Mar 18, 2024
united kingdom
Do you think she acts this way because of how she was raised ? It’s giving mummy issue I’m NGL , i feel she craves the love and attention something she may not have experienced in her younger years hence her child like mentality and her spitting her dummy out when she doesn’t get her own way , the attention seeking , the jealousy towards other people etc , I’ve never looked at her behaviour in depth I always just thought she was a c u next Tuesday when it’s actually deeper than that and that’s not me giving her an excuse for her vile actions , it’s actually deeper than what we see and stems back years for her for sure
Which ever no one is her therapist nor should she be shown anymore sympathy for being a t person.

She is loosing reality and the sooner she’s carted off the better tiktok will be 🙏🏼