Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 16, 2024
Oop, Can imagine Angie absolutely foaming at the mouth, at red saying she triggers her audience.
people zombie GIF


Jun 26, 2024
The enablers in angies this morning we're something else here's a LIST of quotes:

" Alcohol can't be bad they sell it in super markets publicly"

" Angie is happy when she is drunk it's other people that come in and trigger her"

"I give money to homeless people to buy alcohol because it keeps them warm"

" Angie I'm a recovering alcoholic, your defo just a binge drinker"


I haven't had mine cut for 5 years..all my hair fell out after being ill and I've not cut it since, it's down past my bum! I'm thinking cutting it though.
I had overly thick curly hair and if I was out people would always touch it and say how lovely it was, but I hated it. I wanted poker straight hair so I'd spend hours straightening it.
It wasn't until I was ill and had to have chemo that I vowed never to complain about my hair and to be grateful for what I had.
Luckily I lost very little hair, but it did start to grow in straighter, which is common. My sister lost all of hers and when hers did start to grow back it was grey.

Since then my hair has thinned out a lot, but I do go and get it trimmed because it makes it look and feel so much thicker.

One of my friends is on medication for OA and RA and it's made her hair so thin that you can see her scalp, she was always self conscious about it, and refused to let anyone touch it for 3 years, it was growing but it was looking scraggly so I suggested that she should have a little trim to thicken it up, it took me 3 years to convince her that it will make such a difference, she's had it cut and she looks like a new woman and her confidence is starting to return.
Our hair is our crown and glory so I completely understand why you've gone 5 years without having it cut, especially after what you've been through, try having a little trim at first and see how you feel afterwards, and if you're comfortable to have more taken off then book yourself back in. - you'll feel so much better, but do it in little steps. 😘🤎