Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Jun 8, 2024
Did we find out what the voice notes Corrie sent her earlier said?
Who Are You Boogie GIF by shadyverse
Also do you lynz there's been multiple times your child has been there when you've been arguing and yes I broke the cc rule because the have enraged me. I have a close family member who works for SS and if they entered that family home and your fridge/freezer/cupboards have food, your child is healthy, the home is safe and your child is loved and there is no sign of abuse they won't do do all! My child can have a packed lunch at school and in the afternoon he complains along with many children that he's hungry the school offer them toast or cereal will the school report me no because my child is healthy 😡😡😡


Mar 5, 2024
They are all as bad as each other, I have zero sympathy for anyone that sits in a box all day long,neglecting elderly parents or housework and especially if there are children, interact with your family you only get one chance
Like all bully groups, they will recruit to devour there own when there's no targets.

Pissy makes them complicit in the fery and turns them out once they are compromised.

That t ziahanna will melt when she's the target next week.
marge simpson GIF
Can't watch no more you couldn't even feed your dog, you left him downstairs to die on his own whilst you continued to argue on tiktok similar to the situation with your mum and the ambulance. Can't even feed the cat you stole as you've rotten cat food all over your bedroom floor. You've zero empathy for anything or anyone and your one evil t.