Ingroup/outgroup tribal mentality, financial domination, a secret vocabulary, 'charismatic' leaders who seem odd to people not involved. It's getting very cultyI don't think tiktok even gives a s if someone says "paedophile", I think they all just wanted an excuse to make up their own language.
Claire said she come on last night to trigger people I certainly wasent triggered, disgusted and sickened yes, Idon't no much about Chez but screaming someone is a unfit mum over and over with a gang egging you on is vile, just because Claire and Mandas kids are grown up they still can also be unfit mothers, and I think they are.Tinks is another one I have previously stuck up for and hearing her read and twist comments last night as well as labeling us all as one was an eye opener.
They can all go do themselves and from now on any recordings that back them or anything they need will no longer be posted here by me.
What about shows you watched as a kid? Things like The Racoons, Chip & Dale, Ducktales, The Raggy Dolls, Rosie & Jim, Tots TV, Wizadora, Sooty (though I hated that wanker) are the ones that I can think of from my less grey haired days.
Ingroup/outgroup tribal mentality, financial domination, a secret vocabulary, 'charismatic' leaders who seem odd to people not involved. It's getting very culty
Is anyone mates with anyone on the planet tiktok?I thought topgirl was reds mate now
I want to know who it is because from what I’ve seen, it’s like they’re trying to trigger people into arguing with other people but at the same time, trolling them other people. Imagine it is just Alex it’s such an Alex thing to doThey keep making weird threats insinuating such.
My spider senses suspect Amanda Hume isn't actually Amanda Hume. Does she have proof she's Amanda Hume. Her pfp doesn't look like Amanda Hume. Amanda Hume wannabe imposter
I’m staying put because the moon is a nonce
Bluey is so cute and the stories all have a meaning behind them. I’ve forced it upon my girls because peppa is a bMy daughter would knock my head off if I did this. Kids hear everything, we don't even watch the news. Sick of dancing tracters and pumpkin farms any recommendations for a 2 year old would be great
I'm going to start ending my s comments, Regards Edward.
I don't think Pearl smells of sweets thoughI'd fing love to give Pearl a sniff.
You know when you shove your face in the pick n mix trays at tesco and you get all the sweet, sweet, fing gorgeous sweet smells
Yes you fing do, don't lie.