James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Mar 11, 2024
The way he responds to people on them tiktok lives really pisses me off. Seen people asking genuine questions and he gives sarcastic answers back or he gets very defensive…
Because he knows his lying and the questions just keep coming but wait till he knows his over here 🤣 cant delete anything and he will turn it round to trolls 🤣 truth hurts. I gave it sympathy when i see the video of the bridge situation but it got worse and i thought stuffs not adding up here. Dont think he can keep up with his own lies now.


Jun 4, 2024
Because he knows his lying and the questions just keep coming but wait till he knows his over here 🤣 cant delete anything and he will turn it round to trolls 🤣 truth hurts. I gave it sympathy when i see the video of the bridge situation but it got worse and i thought stuffs not adding up here. Dont think he can keep up with his own lies now.
I agree 100%. I think there’ll be more than us on here doubting what he’s saying is true. He has limited comments on his posts and deleted comments questioning him. There is absolutely no way he would be away on holiday if all he had said/been through was true. I think the person who previously mentioned on this thread it just being crohn’s disease is spot on (I hope we’re wrong). The constant posts on tiktok with the sad background music is just attention seeking behaviour as well.
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Jun 6, 2024
The way he responds to people on them tiktok lives really pisses me off. Seen people asking genuine questions and he gives sarcastic answers back or he gets very defensive…
Definitely and tells them to look at his page for his cancer journey especially if he is in hospital and if he is in hospital he is incredibly invasive and is always looking around the ward before he mentions the word "cancer" and like you said very sarcastic as well and loves to remind people how many followers he has compared to them and blocks or deletes comments that questions anything!


Jun 4, 2024
Definitely and tells them to look at his page for his cancer journey especially if he is in hospital and if he is in hospital he is incredibly invasive and is always looking around the ward before he mentions the word "cancer" and like you said very sarcastic as well and loves to remind people how many followers he has compared to them and blocks or deletes comments that questions anything!
I noticed all of that as well. I feel really sorry for people who have donated money to him. I vaguely remember hearing him say on a recent live that the people who donated to the GFM will be refunded? Be interesting to see if that actually happens


Jun 6, 2024
Another inconsistency and reuse of photo from James was this.
James stated his mental health took a dive in April and the Manchester police got in contact with him via text, he once again took to tiktok and shared the text with his loyal fans however there was one glaring obvious error in it and how it was an extremely old text that he had saved from a long time ago.
This text showed queen Elizabeth emblem on it "ER" however our reigning monarch is now King Charles so the police will have to use "CR" they would not still be using "ER" especially after him being on the throne for nearly two years now.
Obviously he once again is either careless or wants to be caught out with his lies.
Again this shows how he continuously reuses old pictures.


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Jun 6, 2024
Another inconsistency and reuse of photo from James was this.
James stated his mental health took a dive in April and the Manchester police got in contact with him via text, he once again took to tiktok and shared the text with his loyal fans however there was one glaring obvious error in it and how it was an extremely old text that he had saved from a long time ago.
This text showed queen Elizabeth emblem on it "ER" however our reigning monarch is now King Charles so the police will have to use "CR" they would not still be using "ER" especially after him being on the throne for nearly two years now.
Obviously he once again is either careless or wants to be caught out with his lies.
Again this shows how he continuously reuses old pictures.
I noticed all of that as well. I feel really sorry for people who have donated money to him. I vaguely remember hearing him say on a recent live that the people who donated to the GFM will be refunded? Be interesting to see if that actually happens
I reported the gfm as soon as he posted it to be honest x


Jun 6, 2024
I forgot this one as well.
This was the day he woke up in ITU after his lung surgery. So see the red bed rails , these rails are seen on the trolleys/stretchers found in a+e or which the porters use for transferring patients, however these are not beds especially not ITU beds. James may think he is fooling some people however when there are people who are generally unwell and spend a lot of time in hospital they get to know what is what in terms of equipment also if you are not a 100% sure on this just a simple search on our favourite search engine good and that shows you a hospital trolley with red bed rails.

Also does anyone else think Lisa is also James.


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Jun 6, 2024
north West
I have found my people. I am so glad everyone is seeing this man for what he is. I felt sorry for him at first but then began to see all the lies. He is such a drama queen and obviously lying. He had major surgeries and was in ICU a week ago but managed to fly out on a holiday that he claims was booked months ago (even though he would’ve been in the middle of chemo then and unable to fly), and has been clubbing and drinking on holiday and telling his viewers how burnt he was from the sun. This is a man who says he has secondary cancer, willing to now risk skin cancer by allowing himself to sit burning in the sun? Does he think we are stupid! If he had undergone the surgery he would have lung drains in, need physio, wound care etc and would need to avoid infection. Not sit on a Tui flight with hundreds of others. He would not even be anywhere near strong enough to travel. But of course its not true, he can’t even remember where it has supposedly spread. One of his videos after his major surgery he was in the day case ward. Most of his videos are just repeat videos.
Nobody stays around him for long, his friend from holiday has had enough of him and his lies to the point she couldn’t stand another minute with him.
His gfm has been suspended, because it is dodgy. He needed help with travel to get to chemo, but forgot to mention he could afford a holiday and his move to a new build. Ihave his address and dob and am reporting him to dwp, housing and hmrc for receiving tiktok money, gfm money and claiming benefits and not declaring it. I am sick of him lying about things especially when there are genuine people who are in need of both financial and medical help but struggle to get it.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
I forgot this one as well.
This was the day he woke up in ITU after his lung surgery. So see the red bed rails , these rails are seen on the trolleys/stretchers found in a+e or which the porters use for transferring patients, however these are not beds especially not ITU beds. James may think he is fooling some people however when there are people who are generally unwell and spend a lot of time in hospital they get to know what is what in terms of equipment also if you are not a 100% sure on this just a simple search on our favourite search engine good and that shows you a hospital trolley with red bed rails.

Also does anyone else think Lisa is also James.
Lisa is definitely James. Funny she has never been live or commented on his lives considering she is such a trusted, good friend. You watch now, if he finds this thread he will make a fake profile as Lisa to start commenting!


Jun 6, 2024
Lisa is definitely James. Funny she has never been live or commented on his lives considering she is such a trusted, good friend. You watch now, if he finds this thread he will make a fake profile as Lisa to start commenting!
I'm surprised Lisa wasn't invited on holiday with James especially how she was such a great support to him while he was so critically unwell and in an induced coma. Especially like you said he trusts her with his personal details but she wasn't invited on holiday mmmm strange that 😉


Jun 6, 2024
north West
I'm surprised Lisa wasn't invited on holiday with James especially how she was such a great support to him while he was so critically unwell and in an induced coma. Especially like you said he trusts her with his personal details but she wasn't invited on holiday mmmm strange that 😉
Exactly! But he invited his other ‘friend‘ who is a cancer sufferer, but they both went without insurance he said! Ok James. She doesn’t crave attention though and do 10 videos a day looking for sympathy. He even lied saying she wears a wig. He lied saying she was on chemo then changed that story saying she was in remission. However she was only his friend for 2 days until she says she got fed up of his bs. Like every friend, family or relationship he has. Wonder why?

He needs to get off tiktok quickly, more people are finding out which is exactly why he deletes videos and has limited comments, he thinks doing this will stop oeople hearing the truth. Little does he know about this thread and the group that are starting to out him. He will be done for fraud soon 😂


Jun 6, 2024
Exactly! But he invited his other ‘friend‘ who is a cancer sufferer, but they both went without insurance he said! Ok James. She doesn’t crave attention though and do 10 videos a day looking for sympathy. He even lied saying she wears a wig. He lied saying she was on chemo then changed that story saying she was in remission. However she was only his friend for 2 days until she says she got fed up of his bs. Like every friend, family or relationship he has. Wonder why?

He needs to get off tiktok quickly, more people are finding out which is exactly why he deletes videos and has limited comments, he thinks doing this will stop oeople hearing the truth. Little does he know about this thread and the group that are starting to out him. He will be done for fraud soon 😂
I wonder how long it will be before he posts about the hater and troll post he has received and how he is such a lovely guy and he doesn't understand what he has done wrong to deserve all of this.


Jun 4, 2024
I wonder how long it will be before he posts about the hater and troll post he has received and how he is such a lovely guy and he doesn't understand what he has done wrong to deserve all of this.
He’s actually been quieter than usual today, although I think he was flying home today. Probably see a lot more posts tomorrow, no doubt something dramatic


Jun 6, 2024
So James stated he tried to end his life in 2023 and posted a video of this on his page. Once again he is linked to something that he is the common denominator in everything. He has never mentioned this attempt in any of his other videos at all only the 2023 one.
The person that he states was harassing him has now passed away and was linked to using recreational Dr*gs.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
He also claims to have had numerous heart attacks, but never had a bypass or investigations as to why at such a young age. Also with a heart that weak he wouldn’t have 3 surgeries under a general within days, ICU and them be put forward for chemo.

The attempt to take his life is where he put a video on his page of the rescue. If he did do that the police/rnli wouldn’t be filming it and wouldn’t send it him if they had. Also why would he request it? People who suffer mh and go through things like that don’t like to re-live those moments. Why would anyone post that video for everyone to see? The only reason is for attention and sympathy.

It makes me laugh how anybody who questions him or calls him out is a troll! He said he had ceath threats and dog muck posted through his letterbox last week. Funny how he slso gets 500 messages a day from trolls according to him.


Jun 4, 2024
He also claims to have had numerous heart attacks, but never had a bypass or investigations as to why at such a young age. Also with a heart that weak he wouldn’t have 3 surgeries under a general within days, ICU and them be put forward for chemo.

The attempt to take his life is where he put a video on his page of the rescue. If he did do that the police/rnli wouldn’t be filming it and wouldn’t send it him if they had. Also why would he request it? People who suffer mh and go through things like that don’t like to re-live those moments. Why would anyone post that video for everyone to see? The only reason is for attention and sympathy.

It makes me laugh how anybody who questions him or calls him out is a troll! He said he had ceath threats and dog muck posted through his letterbox last week. Funny how he slso gets 500 messages a day from trolls according to him.
Oh I would believe he’s said about having health issues before as well. Did he mention the heart attacks on TikTok? There are genuine, decent people who feel bad for him and believe the nonsense he spouts which is very sad. I have a feeling it won’t be long until he gets exposed. If I remember correctly, he was on a live when in ICU? Are you even allowed to be on your phone in there?


Jun 6, 2024
Oh I would believe he’s said about having health issues before as well. Did he mention the heart attacks on TikTok? There are genuine, decent people who feel bad for him and believe the nonsense he spouts which is very sad. I have a feeling it won’t be long until he gets exposed. If I remember correctly, he was on a live when in ICU? Are you even allowed to be on your phone in there?