James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
These are the screenshots from his page with the heart event dates, also he said multiple times he was at home alone Christmas day cooking dinner but here he says he was in hospital with a "NSTEMI". View attachment 122464 View attachment 122465


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Jun 6, 2024
north West
So I know for a fact that if he had suffered 3 seperate heart attacks at a young age there is a problem with his heart and blocked arteries so he would have had a heart bypass and would be having heart rehabilitation. They also would not put anyone who had already had multiple heart attacks so young through 3 major surgeries in a week put them on a life support machine in ICU and discharge him in less than a week, allowing them to travel overseas.

He has been very quiet, he knows it is all catching up with him. Maybe he doesn’t realise people have told us the truth! Someone else had the surgery he said he had only two weeks ago, he didnt even have the lung operation, just bowel and he said yesterday he can only just about make himself a drink. He is also seeing the nurse almost daily too. Strange how he can’t do a thing but James is fit enough to go clubbing on holiday a week after 😂


Jun 6, 2024
north West
So we have all seen his latest cries for attention. So now he is blaming his friend who isn’t his friend for forcing him to go away. She could not stay a minute longer with him and left, why James? Again, always someone else’s fault. Secondly he started treatment yesterday? Did you really James? You sure? Thirdly, he went away due to trolls! But the other day said it had been booked for months. So which one was it James?
He posted that he decided to tell his ‘story‘. The only good thing he said because it certainly is a story!
Then the crying video, don’t even get me started on that. A grown man crying to strangers on the internet for attention. How embarrassing are his attempts for sympathy. I have never known anybody who is genuinely upset, genuinely being the appropriate word, film it. Who’s first though is ‘quick grab my camera and film this’. It just shows how desperate he is. Why is everybody a troll for speaking the truth and questioning him? Thats not a troll. He deletes and blocks anyone who questions him calling them trolls! No James that is somebody exposing you.
Maybe he is crying because he benefits are going to be stopped due to not declaring his TT earnings or the gfm, and he is being investigated. The gfm which has conveniently been paused now that people are on to him.
He really thinks all the dramatics are fooling people. Little does he know that about 70% of people in his comments are pretending they are falling for it but they are in groups exposing him and playing the game to see how long he will carry on with his dramatics, every time they comment it pushes him to do another attention seeking video 😂😂do they are seeing how long he will continue.
As for trolls have physically destroyed him…I thought it was cancer that was physically destroying him? And didnt we all just predict the ‘I don’t want to be here’ line rolled out again.
he is a grown man that needs to stop acting like a manchild seeking constant sympathy and attention. He should look at the people who genuinely battle daily and see how they behave on tiktok, sharing their experience to raise awareness without constant begging for money and attention.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Well if he is reading this, hopefully he can tell us why he pretended to be on life support and why he pretended to get Lisa to update everyone? Lisa his make believe friend.
He always said he made mistakes in his past! That’s not why people are questioning him, they are because he still thinks it is acceptable to be a compulsive liar to everyone. Lisa 😂😂 and the dog poo and death threat 😂 none of them xist.


Jun 6, 2024
Like we said he can prove us all wrong but showing the hospital correspondence and all the 1000's of discharge letters he would have by now with every surgical procedure he has had then and the cancer diagnosis then this sorry mess will be cleared up. However what's the betting he will say he doesn't need to show them because they are private and confidential


Jun 4, 2024
Like we said he can prove us all wrong but showing the hospital correspondence and all the 1000's of discharge letters he would have by now with every surgical procedure he has had then and the cancer diagnosis then this sorry mess will be cleared up. However what's the betting he will say he doesn't need to show them because they are private and confidential
Exactly. Just show the hospital correspondence and then any speculation surrounding his illness will be done. If he is making all this up for attention he should be absolutely ashamed of himself, I hope to god he isn’t.


Jun 6, 2024
Exactly. Just show the hospital correspondence and then any speculation surrounding his illness will be done. If he is making all this up for attention he should be absolutely ashamed of himself, I hope to god he isn’t.
I really hope he isn't because over 460 people a day pass away of cancer in the UK alone and more than a 1000 people are diagnosed every day again just in the UK and if he is lying then those family members that have to deal with the impact of losing people to cancer or having to hear those words that there loved ones have cancer is absolutely sickening if he is lying.


Jun 6, 2024
I am so glad there are people who can see through the facade this James is portraying. I don’t think he’s telling the truth whatsoever, having multiple surgeries and then going on holiday with healing wounds, you wouldn’t be able to get them wet surely but there he was in a pool!! Hmmmm
Don't forget he went without insurance and he didn't have one medical emergency while he was whereas he was having them nearly every other day prior to going away. Obviously the Spanish sun agreed with him and his health out there 😉
Jun 8, 2024
Don't forget he went without insurance and he didn't have one medical emergency while he was whereas he was having them nearly every other day prior to going away. Obviously the Spanish sun agreed with him and his health out there 😉
Oh and that!! It’s all fishy isn’t it. Yet we are called trolls for speaking out!! It’s ridiculous.. I’d love to expose him for the liar he is


Jun 6, 2024
Oh and that!! It’s all fishy isn’t it. Yet we are called trolls for speaking out!! It’s ridiculous.. I’d love to expose him for the liar he is
Totally but of course hi never in the wrong and he can't understand why this all happens to him because his such a lovely guy and doesn't deserve any of this.
In his video last night he looked surprisingly well for someone who had his first chemo session!


Jun 6, 2024
Oh it will all be his downfall though
I will be clapping my hands when it is! I can deal with most things but liars are the worst but the ones that lie about health issues and cancers well they deserve everything they get.
Let's take a bet a post goes up later today or the coming days about how we've all affected his mental health so might and how can anyone do anything so cruel to someone so ill!
Well actually James we all know you are reading this how can someone lie about having cancer especially when they forget where the secondaries spread to on their live feed (I have the screen recording) nobody forgets and gets confused because they are reading other people's comments!
Jun 8, 2024
I will be clapping my hands when it is! I can deal with most things but liars are the worst but the ones that lie about health issues and cancers well they deserve everything they get.
Let's take a bet a post goes up later today or the coming days about how we've all affected his mental health so might and how can anyone do anything so cruel to someone so ill!
Well actually James we all know you are reading this how can someone lie about having cancer especially when they forget where the secondaries spread to on their live feed (I have the screen recording) nobody forgets and gets confused because they are reading other people's comments!
Well you’re in luck because indeed he has posted a crying video. Honestly it’s a joke it really is. I’m tempted to comment but I’ll bide my time!