James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Mar 11, 2024
Just watched a live where he appeared to be sitting in a bar/hotel lobby, he seemed really pissed off saying people had been threatening to ‘dealive’ him and was telling them to come and get him, think he possibly disclosed where he was. A lot of the people commenting were concerned. It seemed to me like he had been drinking alcohol? No idea why he bothers with the likes of TikTok if it’s causing him so much stress.
No one even messages him i think its all in his head for attention why would people send death threats over some lies 🤣 his wild honestly


Jun 4, 2024
Hang on stage 4 bowel cancer! He has always said it was stage 2 how did he go to stage 4 all of a sudden? Another thing that doesn't add up
Stage 4 would be what he has if his bowel cancer has metastasized to a distant organ and he did say there was something in his lung. Unless the lung tumour is another primary tumour? I was about to screen record the live but he ended it just as I was about to do so.


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Jun 6, 2024
I’m not sure if I’ve maybe picked it all up wrong.
When he first put about his cancer spreading a few weeks back I was shall we say shocked that stage 2 would spread especially to the lung because majority of the time only stage 4 and over does.
I don't think he realises that some of his watchers do have a medical background or have actually been through cancer with family members.
I know I saw comments at the time with people saying they couldn't understand how a stage 2 could spread especially to the lung


Jun 9, 2024
When he first put about his cancer spreading a few weeks back I was shall we say shocked that stage 2 would spread especially to the lung because majority of the time only stage 4 and over does.
I don't think he realises that some of his watchers do have a medical background or have actually been through cancer with family members.
I know I saw comments at the time with people saying they couldn't understand how a stage 2 could spread especially to the lung
This is the sickening thing. I have seen first hand the devastating effects cancer has on patients and their loved ones - I wonder if many of the kind people are donating because they have lived experiences of it. It’s such an uneasy watch because it’s just so unbelievable.


Jun 4, 2024
When he first put about his cancer spreading a few weeks back I was shall we say shocked that stage 2 would spread especially to the lung because majority of the time only stage 4 and over does.
I don't think he realises that some of his watchers do have a medical background or have actually been through cancer with family members.
I know I saw comments at the time with people saying they couldn't understand how a stage 2 could spread especially to the lung
My brother had stage 2 cancer and it took him around a year to recover. If god forbid he ever was told it had then spread to his lungs then it would be upgraded to stage 4. This is what James is claiming by saying it’s spread. It’s very serious but he’s been on constantly posting on TikTok, going live on holidays after being in ICU week or 2 prior etc. which is making people dubious any of it is true. Anyone who has went through cancer themselves or had someone close to them go through it knows how horrendous the disease is, the way James is behaving makes me doubt everything he has said.


Jun 4, 2024
This is the sickening thing. I have seen first hand the devastating effects cancer has on patients and their loved ones - I wonder if many of the kind people are donating because they have lived experiences of it. It’s such an uneasy watch because it’s just so unbelievable.
Exactly, it seems unthinkable anyone would even lie about having cancer but unfortunately there are people out there that have and will to get money/attention from people. It’s very sad.


Jun 4, 2024
I didn’t record the live but caught a few screenshots of the last few seconds of it, he was really angry for all of it, telling the trolls to ‘come get him’ and that he’s in Manchester city centre which looked like a bar? Could hear a drink with ice rattling in the background, tbf it could have been a soft drink but still very strange to be sitting in a bar/hotel lobby after 11pm two days post chemo.


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Jun 6, 2024
For the nurses out there, he looks rather well-perfused in all videos - certainly not fresh out of surgery/ICU etc etc
He looks blinking amazing for being post op and especially an ITU post op patient.
I have a screen recording from the day he went live following his lung surgery and bearing in he stated this was for his lung cancer he wasn't breathless at all he wasn't on oxygen or anything, he spoke in complete sentences, he was speaking for nearly 2 hrs on live in ITU and not one did he show any signs of shortness of breath and for anyone with a medical background for a person to talk in complete sentences that shows a lot!
Especially for someone that had just been woken up from an induced coma and not only that who had just had lung surgery. That was the the final straw for me that set the alarm bells in my head.
Nobody would be able to do a live stream after being in an induced coma for one, secondly where was his O2 following his lung surgery and thirdly he said he didn't have any chest drains following he lung surgery.
Lastly how can he be allowed to be doing a live stream in ITU?


Jun 4, 2024
He looks blinking amazing for being post op and especially an ITU post op patient.
I have a screen recording from the day he went live following his lung surgery and bearing in he stated this was for his lung cancer he wasn't breathless at all he wasn't on oxygen or anything, he spoke in complete sentences, he was speaking for nearly 2 hrs on live in ITU and not one did he show any signs of shortness of breath and for anyone with a medical background for a person to talk in complete sentences that shows a lot!
Especially for someone that had just been woken up from an induced coma and not only that who had just had lung surgery. That was the the final straw for me that set the alarm bells in my head.
Nobody would be able to do a live stream after being in an induced coma for one, secondly where was his O2 following his lung surgery and thirdly he said he didn't have any chest drains following he lung surgery.
Lastly how can he be allowed to be doing a live stream in ITU?
He doesn’t have ‘lung cancer’ it is bowel cancer that has spread to his lungs. Unless he hasn’t disclosed that he has both primary bowel and lung cancer which is extremely rare especially being so young to have two different cancers. It is a bit different to a typical lung cancer patient but what you’re saying is correct, everything seems suspicious as hell. Majority of bowel cancer patients with lung mets the prognosis is not great however lung cancer prognosis is horrendous. I hope James isn’t experiencing either. He either doesn’t understand how severe his condition is or he is outright lying about it.


Jun 4, 2024
I have researched cancer for a long time because I personally have a cancer gene called ATM. I’m not an oncologist or an expert. I just seen this guy pop up on my TikTok. I was baffled by the inconsistencies in his story, everything comes across very false, the scratching of the head, squinting eyes… all directs me towards the conclusion of a person lying. If he’s being genuine just post your medical documents and any doubt will be removed. I just can’t stand people lying about cancer. It’s not a coincidence that lots of people are feeling the same way about him.


Jun 11, 2024
Im so glad this issue has been raised! Ive been quietly watching and i do not trust this man abd feel terrible for those who have contributed so generously to his go fund me. I watched with interest as a nurse and some of the meds he had recently been administered did not align with what he was saying. Additionally, he would likely have had extensive wounds from surgery that would most definitely have reacted to swimming pool water exposure. Google his name and see the colourful history he has had too.
All his history isn’t even on google either. He’s put so many people through hell over the years with his lies. He’s a nasty nasty person


Jun 11, 2024
When he first put about his cancer spreading a few weeks back I was shall we say shocked that stage 2 would spread especially to the lung because majority of the time only stage 4 and over does.
I don't think he realises that some of his watchers do have a medical background or have actually been through cancer with family members.
I know I saw comments at the time with people saying they couldn't understand how a stage 2 could spread especially to the lung
That’s the most frustrating thing, watching a family member go through what he claims he has when it’s all lies. He’s sick 🤢


Mar 11, 2024
I didn’t record the live but caught a few screenshots of the last few seconds of it, he was really angry for all of it, telling the trolls to ‘come get him’ and that he’s in Manchester city centre which looked like a bar? Could hear a drink with ice rattling in the background, tbf it could have been a soft drink but still very strange to be sitting in a bar/hotel lobby after 11pm two days post chemo.
This made me LOOL 🤣 no one is looking for him because no one cares enough because his lies are something else imagine seeking all this attention like i dont get it & doesnt have one mate to his name i wonder why 💀 never stops moaning see if he just enjoyed life maybe be a little better for him but he craves attention so bad maybe something to do with his childhood.


Jun 6, 2024
All his history isn’t even on google either. He’s put so many people through hell over the years with his lies. He’s a nasty nasty person
He appears a very toxic and narcissistic person but blames everyone else for what's happened to him he acts the innocent party in everything but he is far from innocent he is the reason he has no support and he has driven everyone away due to his behaviour


Jun 6, 2024
This made me LOOL 🤣 no one is looking for him because no one cares enough because his lies are something else imagine seeking all this attention like i dont get it & doesnt have one mate to his name i wonder why 💀 never stops moaning see if he just enjoyed life maybe be a little better for him but he craves attention so bad maybe something to do with his childhood.
But remember his such a lovely guy and doesn't have a nasty bone is his body.

There is a lot of people out there that didn't have a great childhood but they don't behave like he does now as a result of it. I feel if he did have any issues regarding his childhood he is blaming that for his behaviour now but he still needs to take responsibility as lying about health issues that is not acceptable.