James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Feb 28, 2024
As I’m new to James lore sorry if this is a silly q - but I noticed he hasn’t posted for a few days, is this new behaviour? I saw his posts saying he knows people have been speaking about him so I assume he’s read tattle and here. Is this the first time he’s realised people are on to him?


New member
Jun 11, 2024
As I’m new to James lore sorry if this is a silly q - but I noticed he hasn’t posted for a few days, is this new behaviour? I saw his posts saying he knows people have been speaking about him so I assume he’s read tattle and here. Is this the first time he’s realised people are on to him?
It’s strange for him, he was normally posting a few times a day and going live. Think he knows about posts on here and tattle


Jun 11, 2024
Ahh good old James..Holiday Inpatient to Holiday Inn..

One of the biggest giveaways for me is he stated he had a picc line yet posted multiple videos & pictures showing both arms fully with none in situ and normal iv access (all-be-it in awkward places in some cases). I think at most he had strictures or an issue related to his Crohn’s. The laparoscopic surgical incisions would seem to support this. The fact that the IV infusion he quickly showed in one of his videos was Omeprazole too. Low dose chemotherapy medication is also used to treat Crohns so I think he’s taken that and ran with the “I have cancer” as his next scheme. There’s just no way he had all the complications, surgeries, blood transfusions etc then skipped off on his holidays-which he lied about saying he wasn’t on currently, then he was. Then he got left in the middle of the night. There’s less drama on the tv between the hours of 7-9.

No one uses so much energy on “trolls” if they are seriously fighting such a serious illness. What is the point? One doth protest too much.


Jun 9, 2024
Ahh good old James..Holiday Inpatient to Holiday Inn..

One of the biggest giveaways for me is he stated he had a picc line yet posted multiple videos & pictures showing both arms fully with none in situ and normal iv access (all-be-it in awkward places in some cases). I think at most he had strictures or an issue related to his Crohn’s. The laparoscopic surgical incisions would seem to support this. The fact that the IV infusion he quickly showed in one of his videos was Omeprazole too. Low dose chemotherapy medication is also used to treat Crohns so I think he’s taken that and ran with the “I have cancer” as his next scheme. There’s just no way he had all the complications, surgeries, blood transfusions etc then skipped off on his holidays-which he lied about saying he wasn’t on currently, then he was. Then he got left in the middle of the night. There’s less drama on the tv between the hours of 7-9.

No one uses so much energy on “trolls” if they are seriously fighting such a serious illness. What is the point? One doth protest too much.
I was checking for the PICC line!!! Then talking about other intervention etc that would not be required with a PICC 😅


Jun 11, 2024
As I’m new to James lore sorry if this is a silly q - but I noticed he hasn’t posted for a few days, is this new behaviour? I saw his posts saying he knows people have been speaking about him so I assume he’s read tattle and here. Is this the first time he’s realised people are on to him?
He goes quiet for attention, he’s done it on Facebook several times. Wrote he’s going to k**l himself then will go quiet for hours just letting his inbox fill with attention, even have the police looking for him. He’s not right in the head at all. He’s done some very mentally disturbing things in his past, I don’t know how he’s not locked up


Jun 6, 2024
He goes quiet for attention, he’s done it on Facebook several times. Wrote he’s going to k**l himself then will go quiet for hours just letting his inbox fill with attention, even have the police looking for him. He’s not right in the head at all. He’s done some very mentally disturbing things in his past, I don’t know how he’s not locked up
I dread to think what else his done apart from the scamming the couple out of £1000. I just hope he hasn't hurt anyone where you mentioned him doing some really disturbing things.
I personally wouldn't trust him at all as soon as he popped up on my page in January, I sensed something wasn't right with him. He gave off red flags straight away.


Mar 19, 2024
No posts in days …. Odd for him

He's been rumbled and he knows it. He can't delete or block what's said here or over on the "other" forum (I don't know if I can name it) and he has no comeback. He's a sick liar, no respect for genuine cancer suffers and it's not before time that he's been exposed for what he is. I'm proud for being the first to bring this evil man to the attention of others who may have never encountered him. They have now.