James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 12, 2024
yeah, he also states on Facebook he was given a Colostomy back in 2022 - excuse me if I'm wrong but I've not seen /heard this one tiktok. Once you have one of them you have it for life dont you?
You can have it reversed in some cases depending on reason for having it, but still don’t believe he ever had one, he just lives on Google researching what ailments he can have next unfortunately he not that bright and doesn’t learn all the facts properly


Jun 6, 2024
You can have it reversed in some cases depending on reason for having it, but still don’t believe he ever had one, he just lives on Google researching what ailments he can have next unfortunately he not that bright and doesn’t learn all the facts properly
If he had a stoma even if it was a temp one he would of shown it off as his quick to show off any little thing or recycle all his past pictures !


Jun 11, 2024
yeah its the hand one reaching out to hes hand in the water. he claims its him! dates clearly state lies.
He clearly and consistently stated it was him in the video I’ve took the still from. Watch it disappear of his social media now. He has these “events” when cornered in his scams, he’s “killed” relatives off to get out of things (my Grandparent died etc), clearly suicide baits and I believe he uses these medical dramas to try and control his alienated family in a way as well as the financial gain. No wonder they jumped ship. Pardon the pun..He is well known all over Greater Manchester for scams including Bolton which I haven’t seen mentioned yet. It’s alright saying it’s trolls but it’s actually people familiar with him. It isn’t hate if it’s holding him accountable for some really sty things.


Jun 4, 2024
did he get a pay-out on the go fund me by the way? or was it taken down.... i missed a few days of what happened (lives on tiktok) etc...then hes gone quiet after has holiday.
I remember him saying he took it down and everyone would be refunded, I remember seeing there was over a grand in it


Jun 12, 2024
yeah, he also states on Facebook he was given a Colostomy back in 2022 - excuse me if I'm wrong but I've not seen /heard this one tiktok. Once you have one of them you have it for life dont you?
Some can be reversed but usually even with crohns it’s a illostomy you get some can be reversed some can not, I’m surprised if he had all these perforations/bleeds/surgery he’s still any stomach/digestive system left which you think would need a stoma (even if reversed there be a clear scar typically the right hand side for illestomys or left hand side for colostomy’s). You also most likely would need artificial nutrition via a feeding tube or intravenous line as well if only so much small bowel left.


Jun 13, 2024
Some can be reversed but usually even with crohns it’s a illostomy you get some can be reversed some can not, I’m surprised if he had all these perforations/bleeds/surgery he’s still any stomach/digestive system left which you think would need a stoma (even if reversed there be a clear scar typically the right hand side for illestomys or left hand side for colostomy’s). You also most likely would need artificial nutrition via a feeding tube or intravenous line as well if only so much small bowel left.
I suffer with IBS, had a colonoscopy check and I was ill for days just from that....there is no way after all these surgeries your up and about no matter how fit you are! mine are only minor issues aswell. something just doesnt sit right with all the lies.
i really hope he seeks the help he needs. but highly doubt it. simple questions on live end up in a block. wierd behaviour


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
He has now turned all comments off of his videos and posted a goodbye photo 20 hours ago. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is an untrue story. I've never known anyone have some many surgeries and change a story about cancer so much. And he never answers the simplest questions about his "cancer"
Seems like this guy is a prolific liar.
Have you noticed that all his hospital photos are all the same. So every time he has an “op” he puts the same ones up !!!


Jun 4, 2024
Did he say that in a live? I’ve tried searching for it but there doesn’t seem to any trace of it now.
Yep think it was on a live when he was on holiday as people really started questioning it around then. Not so sure any of those people will get the money back though as I imagine he’s already spent it!!! Either that or it got reported and taken down, not 100% sure.


Jun 6, 2024
Some can be reversed but usually even with crohns it’s a illostomy you get some can be reversed some can not, I’m surprised if he had all these perforations/bleeds/surgery he’s still any stomach/digestive system left which you think would need a stoma (even if reversed there be a clear scar typically the right hand side for illestomys or left hand side for colostomy’s). You also most likely would need artificial nutrition via a feeding tube or intravenous line as well if only so much small bowel left.
You are totally right for someone that has had all these bleeds and surgeries he would have had some sort of artificial nutrition by now as he would have been left with short bowel syndrome as a result and most likely need tpn for nutrition.


Jun 12, 2024
So I’ve tried to quick count how many operations and perforations he said he’s had in this year alone but it’s probably just an estimation as everything is constantly recycled regarding pics/videos and he posts multiple times a day it’s hard to keep up! Plus I’ve may of missed a few.
-21 surgery’s including all emergency ones but not including procedures such as endscopy
-5 perforations
-9 bleeds
-10 icu stays
And two heart attacks. God knows how many more if I went further back. If it was true how would you even seriously survive all this and still look the same…and he wonders why people are now questioning it: it can easily proved tho if it did happen but noticed he’s never done this. In a older He even posted a piece of paper after he had a “cardiac arrest” and it basically says he’s for full resus, which would be on everybody’s medical records unless you had a dnr (do not resuscitate) but I know for a fact he posted it to make it look that that’s what happened that he had a full resuscitation to bring him back to life if that makes sense.


Jun 6, 2024
So I’ve tried to quick count how many operations and perforations he said he’s had in this year alone but it’s probably just an estimation as everything is constantly recycled regarding pics/videos and he posts multiple times a day it’s hard to keep up! Plus I’ve may of missed a few.
-21 surgery’s including all emergency ones but not including procedures such as endscopy
-5 perforations
-9 bleeds
-10 icu stays
And two heart attacks. God knows how many more if I went further back. If it was true how would you even seriously survive all this and still look the same…and he wonders why people are now questioning it: it can easily proved tho if it did happen but noticed he’s never done this. In a older He even posted a piece of paper after he had a “cardiac arrest” and it basically says he’s for full resus, which would be on everybody’s medical records unless you had a dnr (do not resuscitate) but I know for a fact he posted it to make it look that that’s what happened that he had a full resuscitation to bring him back to life if that makes sense.
I'm guessing there's more than 5 perforations because he states he has one after every surgery if I remember correctly and also with the bleeds I think that's what he claims he was admitted with for every emergency admission as well. Unless his deleted several posts. As you said it's hard to count because he claims these so often.