So I’ve tried to quick count how many operations and perforations he said he’s had in this year alone but it’s probably just an estimation as everything is constantly recycled regarding pics/videos and he posts multiple times a day it’s hard to keep up! Plus I’ve may of missed a few.
-21 surgery’s including all emergency ones but not including procedures such as endscopy
-5 perforations
-9 bleeds
-10 icu stays
And two heart attacks. God knows how many more if I went further back. If it was true how would you even seriously survive all this and still look the same…and he wonders why people are now questioning it: it can easily proved tho if it did happen but noticed he’s never done this. In a older He even posted a piece of paper after he had a “cardiac arrest” and it basically says he’s for full resus, which would be on everybody’s medical records unless you had a dnr (do not resuscitate) but I know for a fact he posted it to make it look that that’s what happened that he had a full resuscitation to bring him back to life if that makes sense.