James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 12, 2024
Hey all,I'm new to this so please be nice 😉. I've just come across the post on tiktok about James and I'm stunned to say the least,do you know 100% he is lying? I've still got lots of reading on here to do but what I've read so far doesn't look good. How has he managed to go live with all the tubes and machines from the hospital? I'm stumped xx
They are just recycled pictures from ages ago when he had a operation due to crohns he also gets himself admitted don’t know what he says but it ain’t cancer, most people that spotted things straight away are mostly either unwell themselves so have spent time in hospital like myself or familiar with NHS set up. If not familiar it won’t be that easy to notice, but once you start reading and understanding you will see the red flags.


Mar 8, 2024
James you do need to explain and justify yourself because you have been lying to people and taking their money.

Your live last night didn't prove anything except you will go to great lengths for the attention you crave....even getting yourself admitted to hospital, something which unfortunately some people do for attention.
It's disgusting when genuine patients can't get a bed.

Please explain how you were able to lounge in a public pool so soon after having your surgeries?
Mar 16, 2024
Thank goodness for this thread. He recently popped on my fyp and going through his videos I was so confused as to why the photos are all the same. I thought I was going mad. It's scary to think how far some people go for attention and the abuse that comes from him when he's asked what should be a simple question just proves what type of person he is and how much he has lied from the start.


Jun 12, 2024
This people that still believe this are gonna get huge shock when it probably gets In the media when he’s been arrested for fraud. He will take it as far as possible and he’s setting himself up big time we are all behind you, as you have put the truth out there!. Only troll in this whole situation is you James. Maybe you should look up the definition in the dictionary


Mar 11, 2024
I won’t lie folks. I’m really really overwhelmed with all of this, my phone is just constantly got 100s and 100s of notifications - I’ve been called the biggest troll by the worst troll on there!! It’s insane
Remember we are all behind you, ignore some comments for now it’s getting busy because people are now realising because of your video 👏🏻 remember stuff aint adding up etc doesnt make any sense but to james it does i hope he can dig himself out this one!!
Jun 8, 2024
This people that still believe this are gonna get huge shock when it probably gets In the media when he’s been arrested for fraud. He will take it as far as possible and he’s setting himself up big time we are all behind you, as you have put the truth out there!. Only troll in this whole situation is you James. Maybe you should look up the definition in the dictionary
Thank you for being so kind to me, everyone you’re all ace x
Mar 16, 2024
I won’t lie folks. I’m really really overwhelmed with all of this, my phone is just constantly got 100s and 100s of notifications - I’ve been called the biggest troll by the worst troll on there!! It’s insane
You are just standing up for what is right and showing the stuff that's already out there but his followers and too thick to pay attention to. The more he makes aimed videos the more traffic will come to your page and then to here which can only be a good thing to spread actual awareness of what he's doing rather than the stories he is spinning in his head


Jun 9, 2024
Can’t believe he is denying the GFM was him when he posted daily about it asking people to go to it…..it was constantly on the fyp rattling on about how so many people told him to make one. There are genuine people out there needing help on GFM as they need second options for treatment in other countries and are desperately trying to fight battles they have been told they won’t win against cancer let alone take a holiday yet he rocks up asking for money to help with bills and clears of on holiday !!
Exactly! That’s what first started ringing alarm bells because he was promoting it on every live!!!