James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 15, 2024
In regards to breaking up with his partner he has made out in several of his TT posts he was in an abusive relationship however I know I'm going to sound like a heartless cow with this but again like everything else he has posted everyone is out to get him so I do wonder if there is more to that because again he is the common denominator in a lot of things. Like I said I may be well wrong but he is always quick to blame everyone else for everything that's happened in his life and all this hate, the dog poop through his door, him being dumped on holiday but we've heard from the friend what's really happend so again it's hard to tell with James. Again the family have left him because of his toxicity but he claims it's for something different.
most likely him thats been the abuser


Jun 14, 2024
he just pisses me off as i’m currently bed bound due to being that unwell and have had a few trips to a&e due to the pain and then there are people like him who think the hospital is a fing day out. people like him are the reason genuinely ill people have 9 hour wait times in a&e.
Same as me. He only walks into a hospital and miraculously they find a bed for him. I’ve waited 12 hours for a bed once and I wasn’t filming on my sodding phone I just wanted sleep and treatment
Jun 17, 2024
I see people who can’t have chemo because they’ve had a minor cold or because their bloods are very slightly out of range. There’s no way he would go through so much trauma and be given chemo days later.
This is so true! I’ve had my blood markers just slightly out of kilt and I’ve not been able to go ahead with treatment. Even if my CRB is slightly raised I’ve not been able to go ahead. His CRB must have dropped massively in a space of 24 hours to have been in ICU to being on a plane…and I’m so shocked he got insurance to fly and a fit to fly signed by a doctor…especially after major surgery…no doctor would never allow someone that sick to be discharged from ICU to be able to go on holiday.

Ive recently had a biopsy as I have new tumours and I’ve had to keep dressings clean and I can’t get them wet yet he’s had huge surgery and been allowed to go swimming! I would love to know what he’s taking to make him so well again…I’d love to be able to feel so much better to be able to go on holiday a few days after surgery!

What’s your secret James? 😂


Jun 6, 2024
most likely him thats been the abuser
Well that's what I think and have discussed with someone else, people like him and other abusers often do what he does come across the poor innocent one however a lot of people like us can see through that fake facade but like many abusers they can fool many people like he has done with his fan girl army


Jun 6, 2024
This is so true! I’ve had my blood markers just slightly out of kilt and I’ve not been able to go ahead with treatment. Even if my CRB is slightly raised I’ve not been able to go ahead. His CRB must have dropped massively in a space of 24 hours to have been in ICU to being on a plane…and I’m so shocked he got insurance to fly and a fit to fly signed by a doctor…especially after major surgery…no doctor would never allow someone that sick to be discharged from ICU to be able to go on holiday.

Ive recently had a biopsy as I have new tumours and I’ve had to keep dressings clean and I can’t get them wet yet he’s had huge surgery and been allowed to go swimming! I would love to know what he’s taking to make him so well again…I’d love to be able to feel so much better to be able to go on holiday a few days after surgery!

What’s your secret James? 😂
Sending you tons of love x
Jun 17, 2024
Someone is actually arguing with me that he is in an ONLY CANCER HOSPITAL as he took pictures of the outside so that proves he does have cancer. I said anyone can take a pic and he posted from a ward in Salford Royal which isn’t a cancer wing. Seriously ppl wake up.
Im a patient at the Christie and I’ve been documenting my journey privately (more so that I can look back on and see how far I have come) but I have never taken a picture outside the hospital.

I commented earlier saying I tried to do a welfare check on James (as he was claiming he is a patient at the Christie’s) and so I contacted my nurse specialist and just sent a message saying I’ve been following someone on social media he has posted messages saying he is going to unalive himself/hurt himself and I just said if he’s a patient maybe his team can do a welfare check on him…there is no patient at the Christie under that name…they would never pass on patient information due to gdpr and I would be angry if someone asked about my medical information I only asked purely as a welfare check and he’s not a patient at this hospital…says it all really….


Jun 6, 2024
Same as me. He only walks into a hospital and miraculously they find a bed for him. I’ve waited 12 hours for a bed once and I wasn’t filming on my sodding phone I just wanted sleep and treatment
It's honestly so frustrating isn't it!
Like many when you are in a+e you are too unwell to pick up your phone and even consider updating anyone as it's the last thing on your mind! however our James can film and livestream everything that shows the huge difference between real illness and needing to be in hospital and James being in hospital for him it's to gain attention.
Jun 17, 2024
I’m the same I have my local hospital which will do anything they can and always first point of contact/emergency care but my specialist team is 4hrs away for my line/iVs/gastro as only so many hospitals can get funding to do home artificial nutrition anything else my local can’t deal with as it’s only a small general hospital goes to the nearest hospital for that issue or my specialist hospital to make it easier for communication x
Like me too, I am having treatment at one hospital but my Trial Team are at a different trust.


Mar 8, 2024
This is so true! I’ve had my blood markers just slightly out of kilt and I’ve not been able to go ahead with treatment. Even if my CRB is slightly raised I’ve not been able to go ahead. His CRB must have dropped massively in a space of 24 hours to have been in ICU to being on a plane…and I’m so shocked he got insurance to fly and a fit to fly signed by a doctor…especially after major surgery…no doctor would never allow someone that sick to be discharged from ICU to be able to go on holiday.

Ive recently had a biopsy as I have new tumours and I’ve had to keep dressings clean and I can’t get them wet yet he’s had huge surgery and been allowed to go swimming! I would love to know what he’s taking to make him so well again…I’d love to be able to feel so much better to be able to go on holiday a few days after surgery!

What’s your secret James? 😂

Same for me.
My chemo is weekly and I have my bloods the day before.
The slightest little thing can stop my chemo.
I had major abdominal surgery in November and wasn't allowed to start my chemo until January as my body had to heal.
I had laparoscopy surgery last August and couldn't start my first lot of chemo until 5 weeks later.
After each surgery there is no way I would have been able to fly off on holiday and definitely wouldn't have been able to be in a public pool.
I was in too much pain for a start.

He's so full of s and manipulative.
Jun 17, 2024
Same for me.
My chemo is weekly and I have my bloods the day before.
The slightest little thing can stop my chemo.
I had major abdominal surgery in November and wasn't allowed to start my chemo until January as my body had to heal.
I had laparoscopy surgery last August and couldn't start my first lot of chemo until 5 weeks later.
After each surgery there is no way I would have been able to fly off on holiday and definitely wouldn't have been able to be in a public pool.
I was in too much pain for a start.

He's so full of s and manipulative.
That sound really horrible 😔 hope treatment is still going well. I hope you’re feeling somewhat ok now! Never forget your so much stronger that you know! Keep Fighting! 🎗️


Jun 9, 2024
Hospital hoppers are flagged up in the system aren’t they?
I have heard of those faking chronic illnesses do it to start a host of investigations from scratch because they hit brick walls at the other hospitals.
It really depends. The hospital I’m at is under one trust however there are a few others within 20 miles radius that fall under different trusts. Plus UCC within these hospitals could be run by another organisation entirely. Additionally, there are different computer programmes used to log attender visits too. We had frequent flyers who would get around this by rotating their visits and presenting with different extremes of their symptoms to result in being triaged to GP/UCC/Majors etc Unfortunately differing trusts don’t share attender info between each other.


Jun 9, 2024
Same for me.
My chemo is weekly and I have my bloods the day before.
The slightest little thing can stop my chemo.
I had major abdominal surgery in November and wasn't allowed to start my chemo until January as my body had to heal.
I had laparoscopy surgery last August and couldn't start my first lot of chemo until 5 weeks later.
After each surgery there is no way I would have been able to fly off on holiday and definitely wouldn't have been able to be in a public pool.
I was in too much pain for a start.

He's so full of s and manipulative.
I’m so sorry Moonlight, I can’t even begin to comprehend how you must be feeling seeing this person fake a cancer diagnosis.
Wishing you the very best xx


Mar 8, 2024
That sound really horrible 😔 hope treatment is still going well. I hope you’re feeling somewhat ok now! Never forget your so much stronger that you know! Keep Fighting! 🎗️
Thank you.
I'm on palliative treatment only as unfortunately my cancer spread.
I'm tolerating this chemo OK so far but it is hard knowing I'm going through it with no chance of a cure and it is simply to try and slow the cancer down.
The chemo I was having last year was when I was still classed as curative. It was horrendous and didn't work unfortunately.

This is why I feel so strongly about people lying about such a horrible disease to gain attention or money.
Even people who are fortunate enough to not be going through it at least know that it is a horrendous disease and the treatment is just as bad if not worse at times.

The likes of James however don't give a s because they are narcs who make everything about them.
I feel sorry for those people who still believe his bullshit.
Jun 17, 2024
Thank you.
I'm on palliative treatment only as unfortunately my cancer spread.
I'm tolerating this chemo OK so far but it is hard knowing I'm going through it with no chance of a cure and it is simply to try and slow the cancer down.
The chemo I was having last year was when I was still classed as curative. It was horrendous and didn't work unfortunately.

This is why I feel so strongly about people lying about such a horrible disease to gain attention or money.
Even people who are fortunate enough to not be going through it at least know that it is a horrendous disease and the treatment is just as bad if not worse at times.

The likes of James however don't give a s because they are narcs who make everything about them.
I feel sorry for those people who still believe his bullshit.
Oh my love I am so incredibly sorry! I hope that your kept comfortable and out of pain as much as possible! Sending you so much love and strength! 😔🎗️cancer is horrible 💔


Mar 8, 2024
Oh my love I am so incredibly sorry! I hope that your kept comfortable and out of pain as much as possible! Sending you so much love and strength! 😔🎗️cancer is horrible 💔
Thank you.
I'm doing OK at the moment.
I do get some horrible side effects from the chemo, but I'm tolerating it enough to still be able to go out and do things I enjoy.
I do pay for it afterwards but it's worth it.
I'm not sure if I have accepted my fate or if I have buried my head in the sand.

The likes of James are using people's real life traumas and suffering for their own gain.


Jun 15, 2024
It really depends. The hospital I’m at is under one trust however there are a few others within 20 miles radius that fall under different trusts. Plus UCC within these hospitals could be run by another organisation entirely. Additionally, there are different computer programmes used to log attender visits too. We had frequent flyers who would get around this by rotating their visits and presenting with different extremes of their symptoms to result in being triaged to GP/UCC/Majors etc Unfortunately differing trusts don’t share attender info between each other.
Thanks for the info 🙂