James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
north West
If that’s was my family, friend or neighbours they’d have worse things to say about me than that 😂😂😂 ffs keep talking to them they know me so so well
Oh they have said much worse about you. I will tell you on Sunday. My username is all over this thread, but I will message you it too. Unblock me and let me show you ALL the proof I have. Let’s see then what you say on your ‘massive platform’. Hate to break it to you too, but massive platforms on tt have 2-3k viewers, not 200 you fing melt.

Btw not one person here has said you are straight. Where you getting that from, why do you keep saying that? We don’t give a do what your sexuality is, it is 2024 you know. All we care about is that you are a lying snake and we will keep on exposing you.

You won’t see this though will you because you were blocking the app 15 minutes ago 😂😂 that wasn’t yet another lie was it Billy?


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Holiday inn actually
You shouldn’t bother, Manchester Royal Infirmary is free. I’m sure you can make up an excuse to get a bed there for a night, you never normally struggle.

How come you didn’t answer the other questions I posted dickhead? Cancer, rnli, attempt story etc? Because you can’t. Sad melt. You sound a right tit on here 😂😂😂
Jun 19, 2024
That article of him saying his neighbour was harassing him is highly concerning. And the guy never once changing his guilty plea? Then james goes missing AFTER putting a complaint in about the police not taking him seriously. The poor neighbour probably knew James was undergoing a smear campaign for whatever nasty reason and the police too!
Jun 17, 2024
Why does he keep harping on about being straight or gay? Nobody gives a do.
That's like the story he keeps harping on that his mum disowned him because he was gay when it's been proved she didn't care. I feel like I'm back in the 90's nobody cares about your sexuality you fing muppet, what they do care about is lying about cancer to gain views to stay relevant on the creator fund. fing imbecile fat do wasting NHS services, the only thing scaring you is your cancer diagnosis and the police investigation and only one of those is true
Jun 17, 2024
I also read he pretended to be a plain clothes officer to search young boy's 😱😡
The lad that he was relentless in acussing of harassment lived in the flat above, that lad saw the comings and goings at james flat and called him out on it. Then came the accusations, it's a pretty cowardless move to deflect from what he was doing encouraging minors to his flat. He must of been so happy when that guy lost his life as it was all going to come out in court as the guy refused point blank to plead guilty.


Mar 8, 2024
Listen James I'm going to be honest with you.
I have no idea about your family, neighbours or where you are staying.
I don't care if you are gay, straight or identify as a highland cow. I don't care about your weight, your looks or your non cancerous scars.
Hell I don't even care about the head scratching and the squinting at the camera.

What I do care about is your lies about cancer, suicide attempts and your fraudulent activities.

I asked you a question on your live. I was polite to you but you had me muted and told me you don't need to justify yourself to me.
I never asked you to justify yourself, I simply asked you how you were able to sit in a public pool with recent surgical wounds from your supposed serious operations.
You couldn't answer that simple question and you couldn't answer it because you were lying about it all.
You do however need to justify yourself to all the people who still believe your lies and those kind hearted people who felt sorry for you and donated money.
You need to justify yourself to the genuine cancer sufferers as you are making a mockery of what we are going through.
You also need to justify yourself to the NHS staff who's time you are wasting, the genuine patients who can't get seen quick enough or get a bed because attention seekers like yourself are taking up precious resources and to the British tax payer who are having to fund your attention seeking ways.

You are inviting people to go live with you but what's the point? You just block and mute anyone who questions you and then change the narrative to suit your made up stories.

It seems to me you will go to extreme lengths to get the attention and money you crave.
You haven't been able to show any evidence of your supposed cancer and serious operations.
Mock up letters and old scars are not proof neither is stealing other people's stories.

You need help although I haven't quite worked out if that should be in a mental health unit or a prison cell.
I'm leaning towards the latter as you come across aggressive, manipulative and dangerous.
Jun 8, 2024
Listen James I'm going to be honest with you.
I have no idea about your family, neighbours or where you are staying.
I don't care if you are gay, straight or identify as a highland cow. I don't care about your weight, your looks or your non cancerous scars.
Hell I don't even care about the head scratching and the squinting at the camera.

What I do care about is your lies about cancer, suicide attempts and your fraudulent activities.

I asked you a question on your live. I was polite to you but you had me muted and told me you don't need to justify yourself to me.
I never asked you to justify yourself, I simply asked you how you were able to sit in a public pool with recent surgical wounds from your supposed serious operations.
You couldn't answer that simple question and you couldn't answer it because you were lying about it all.
You do however need to justify yourself to all the people who still believe your lies and those kind hearted people who felt sorry for you and donated money.
You need to justify yourself to the genuine cancer sufferers as you are making a mockery of what we are going through.
You also need to justify yourself to the NHS staff who's time you are wasting, the genuine patients who can't get seen quick enough or get a bed because attention seekers like yourself are taking up precious resources and to the British tax payer who are having to fund your attention seeking ways.

You are inviting people to go live with you but what's the point? You just block and mute anyone who questions you and then change the narrative to suit your made up stories.

It seems to me you will go to extreme lengths to get the attention and money you crave.
You haven't been able to show any evidence of your supposed cancer and serious operations.
Mock up letters and old scars are not proof neither is stealing other people's stories.

You need help although I haven't quite worked out if that should be in a mental health unit or a prison cell.
I'm leaning towards the latter as you come across aggressive, manipulative and dangerous.
Damn it I missed the ffoed. 😂😂oh well, he’s only recycling old s anyway. Coz that’s what he does 😂😂


Jun 16, 2024
Morning guys ….

So ….. after rereading all that was said last night …..

Is it just me that is left with a feeling that that wasn’t even him ?

You see it with the current missing guy ….

Crazies come out …

He’s stupid … but is he really that stupid ? 🤔

It’s defo someone who knows him …..

I repeat - is it a full moon as all the crazies seem to be on tour 😂


Mar 8, 2024
Morning guys ….

So ….. after rereading all that was said last night …..

Is it just me that is left with a feeling that that wasn’t even him ?

You see it with the current missing guy ….

Crazies come out …

He’s stupid … but is he really that stupid ? 🤔

It’s defo someone who knows him …..

I repeat - is it a full moon as all the crazies seem to be on tour 😂

I am suspicious if it is him or not but yes he really is stupid enough to come on here and talk s.


Jun 16, 2024
I am suspicious if it is him or not but yes he really is stupid enough to come on here and talk s.
I just think if he had come here and basically “rage poured” … he’d of calmed down and come back to delete . Why give us more ammo ……🤔

Also his quotes of “Sunday night , let’s do it then as so many more views “ well James defo knows he has a minimal following of people who actually still support him but 1000s who currently despise him .

All that person did was recycle stuff we all already know .

Do I think that person knows James ? Yes ..

Do I think it was James ? Probably not

There was literally nothing to be gained