James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 16, 2024
Well what a good read when I woke up today 🤣. Even if it wasn’t him last night he will have still read it all so rest assured he knows exactly how he’s being perceived! Just noticed he’s lost 2000 followers in 48 hours on TT. The wheels are falling off…
I like to think this is him removing people trying to find us 😂❤️

He won’t find us as our usernames are totally different 🎁


Mar 8, 2024
I like to think this is him removing people trying to find us 😂❤️

He won’t find us as our usernames are totally different 🎁
I have him blocked as I can get all the updates I need from here.
This way I don't have to listen to his pathetic voice saying "I'M DOING THIS ON MY OWN".

Quick question James.
What is it you are doing on your own?
Scouring the internet to steal other people's stories, forging hospital letters, taking photos of hospitals?
Maybe you have someone else helping you or maybe it's your alter egos Lisa and Bob.
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Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Morning everyone ❤️
Can I start off by saying I think you are all fing legends...the laughs you have given me the past few days are amazing 🤣
Now I'm not the best judge of character and I'm more than happy to admit when I'm wrong but I do actually think it might have been our friend James?
If he's read all the the posts on here then he would of read my earlier post of my cancer story yet not once has he replied to me, Bigbob did but not JHK. He hasn't acknowledged my invitation to come to chemo (obviously i dont expect him to come) or anything which makes me think he won't engage with me because he knows I can baffle him with science and terminology, show my proof and can question everything he says regarding 'his cancer'.
He's done exactly what he does on his lives and ignore any talk or questions about when his chemo is starting, his cancer diagnosis etc???
All he seems concerned about is finding out what we know about him which would be exactly what he would do as we all know the world revolves around James Horton Kofoed.
Like I said I'm a s judge of character and always try to see the good in people which has bitten me on the arse many times but this guy takes the biscuit..there is no good in him 😡
Jun 18, 2024
31st May 2017 there was an article on the Bolton News website where they interview James. He was also claiming to own nightclubs in Liverpool and Glasgow at the time. You can find it by going onto the website and typing Kofoed into the search bar. One of the statements in the comments section was quite revealing 😉
Does anybody know if his nightclub in Bolton actually opened? I know it was listed on Companies House but it was dissolved in just over a year. Was it listed as part of his fantasy? Was it dissolved with him leaving people out of pocket?


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Jun 11, 2024
31st May 2017 there was an article on the Bolton News website where they interview James. He was also claiming to own nightclubs in Liverpool and Glasgow at the time. You can find it by going onto the website and typing Kofoed into the search bar. One of the statements in the comments section was quite revealing 😉
Does anybody know if his nightclub in Bolton actually opened? I know it was listed on Companies House but it was dissolved in just over a year. Was it listed as part of his fantasy? Was it dissolved with him leaving people out of pocket?
It never opened - he never even had the lease to the building before getting the Bolton News to write that article. The Liverpool and Glasgow ones never existed either. Just another false story so he could mislead people into thinking he was successful


Mar 8, 2024
31st May 2017 there was an article on the Bolton News website where they interview James. He was also claiming to own nightclubs in Liverpool and Glasgow at the time. You can find it by going onto the website and typing Kofoed into the search bar. One of the statements in the comments section was quite revealing 😉
Does anybody know if his nightclub in Bolton actually opened? I know it was listed on Companies House but it was dissolved in just over a year. Was it listed as part of his fantasy? Was it dissolved with him leaving people out of pocket?
Entrepreneur 😂😂😂😂
More like complete fantasist.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
I actually think it was him. He is that stupid to come on here and think he can silence us. He also loves pulling the bully or troll card when he is caught lying.

Also he named some of his neighbours, so that makes me think it is him.

I hope he was because one rhing he never fails to do is make us pee laughing 😂😂

He may not come back today, he could be busy unpacking boxes from his move to the house he bought……with his housing benefit 😂😂😂 (which will be stopped soon)


Jun 21, 2024
Didn’t lie about cancer! And how do you know I’m not sectioned…

But seems you are all so obsessed, Sunday 7pm, send me your user name I will unblock and I will go live with you let’s see who’s lying… so again Sunday 7pm LIVE
So why Sunday at 7pm and not now?? So you can play pretend again, go through A&E and say your in an oncology ward again? Your a disgrace, no innocent person would remove every single video if they didn't have something to hide...
Jun 19, 2024
I actually think it was him. He is that stupid to come on here and think he can silence us. He also loves pulling the bully or troll card when he is caught lying.

Also he named some of his neighbours, so that makes me think it is him.

I hope he was because one rhing he never fails to do is make us pee laughing 😂😂

He may not come back today, he could be busy unpacking boxes from his move to the house he bought……with his housing benefit 😂😂😂 (which will be stopped soon)
Jun 18, 2024
He saying Sunday so he has time to mock up fake letters!

James if it is you….. this group isn’t trolling or are anyone trolls, this group is mainly made up of those battling cancer, those who have battled cancer, those who have lost people to cancer and those watching their loved ones battling it now - we aren’t trolling we are disgusted and calling you out. Don’t forget most of us have lived it and we know what happens, we know procedures, medication, admissions, everything! We have lived the process! When you talk about helping people through it as well as yourself and taking people on the journey with you and asking them for help both mentally and financially, why are your followers and basically anyone who asks any normal question in regards to cancer and your journey getting blocked? Why don’t you answer when people ask how chemos is? Surely if you wanted to raise awareness for this cruel illness you would happily share not dodge questions and block - that doesn’t make sense.
So no, not trolls just normal people affected by what you are spouting


Jun 19, 2024
Well well well James. Didn't think you'd keep your ugly mug away for too long.
Trolls and bullies are we? I don't think so. Do you actually know what those words mean? I'm guessing not you're just playing the victim yet again. Like doing that don't you? Yet the victim you are not, if anyone is a victim it is the members of the public that you have deceived and conned with your mountain of lies.
Still maintaining you're not lying. Dear oh dear. Yet you won't answer any questions people pose to you on your discrepancies. That'll show us and make us suddenly believe you. 🙄
Your issue is you've made a catalogue of stupid errors, you're s at lying give it up. The more you protest your innocence the more stupid you make yourself look. Look at all the evidence in front of you. It doesn't lie. Only thing that does is YOU. You need locking up away from everyone and everything, quite frankly you are dangerous.
Imagine your own mother saying things like that, and your reply to it just shows how vile you really are. You're sting yourself but won't admit it, trying to be Billy big bollocks Yet you ain't even lenny little bollocks!
This live should be fun eh? With your mods ready to block anyone who questions you what's the point in that then Lenny? What does that prove? When you won't answer people how are you supposed to prove you aren't lying? Durrrr. Not the brightest bulb on the xmas tree are you, your poor parents. Have they still got the apology note they received when you were born?
The day the police show up at your door, or whatever door you are hiding behind, is coming. All that money you stole from innocent people from your lies and deceit, you will be punished. Not looking good for u really. Are we to expect another trip in the air ambulance soon?
Those poor medics, they work so hard and have to put up with your sorry pathetic arse.
Remember karmas coming Lenny. Tick tock.
Jun 18, 2024
Do any of us really believe he will be live at 7pm tomorrow? I think we all know by now he will come up with some excuse. Probably say it was a fake account posting on here last night.
If I was innocent and accused of all these things I would be going out of my way to frantically prove my innocence. His truculent behaviour practically screams his arrogance and guilt. It’s not a normal reaction if he’s done nothing wrong as he claims.