James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


New member
Jun 16, 2024
I’m kinda new on tik tok. Is there anyone else who’s a bit suspect like James that I can follow??
Jun 17, 2024
Absolutely astounding what he's done to that girl and to mimic her dying little sisters treatment that takes a special kind of sick bastard. He's a fing spare part, and he wonders why he's zero friends! Going through his journey alone, JAMES YOU AINT ON A JOURNEY YOU'RE RIPPING OFF OTHER PEOPLES JOURNEY AND CLASSING IT AS YOUR OWN.
I'm fuming but it just confirms what we've all said, he's treated her appallingly. I'm thankful that this group never ever once went for her as we knew full well even without speaking to her (at that time) she was 110% not to blame.
There's a place in hell waiting for you James you absolute scum bucket.
Jun 12, 2024
north west
This poor girl had to sleep on a bench until she could get a flight back too. What a disgusting sicko he is. I spoke to her at the time but never wanted to share her messages out of respect to her because we chatted a bit about her sister (and my brother). He needs stopping. And he has the nerve to blame her for this. Rat.
Hes vile.
How could he treat anybody like this, let alone a young woman thats been so poorly.
He will get his comeuppance.