James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
And yet, even with this beautiful, strong, young ladies story, his little deluded fan club will still support and defend him and send him gifts to aid his cocaine habit!!
Seems he's thinks he can silence people by bullying them!!
I have the upmost admiration to her for speaking out and putting the truth out there (not that we ever doubted her).
Times up Jimbo...I suggest you dissappear into your little hole and take a very, long, hard look at your actions!!!


Jun 25, 2024
Milton Keyn es
Absolutely astounding what he's done to that girl and to mimic her dying little sisters treatment that takes a special kind of sick bastard. He's a fing spare part, and he wonders why he's zero friends! Going through his journey alone, JAMES YOU AINT ON A JOURNEY YOU'RE RIPPING OFF OTHER PEOPLES JOURNEY AND CLASSING IT AS YOUR OWN.
I'm fuming but it just confirms what we've all said, he's treated her appallingly. I'm thankful that this group never ever once went for her as we knew full well even without speaking to her (at that time) she was 110% not to blame.
There's a place in hell waiting for you James you absolute scum bucket.
So is she saying he did have cancer and recovered then…? Confused
Jun 17, 2024
Hahahahahaha I just KNEW he'd post tonight you fing bellend, you've just made yourself look even more stupid if that's possible.
So someone broke your cameras on your house and get this they've been REMANDED hahahahahahahahahaha it's fing criminal damage at best (even though its not true) REMANDED in deed that's hilarious. That's one huuuugeeeeee stretch


Jun 14, 2024
After reading that lady’s post this makes sense …

Narcissistic Mirroring

A mirroring behavior that narcissists use consciously to manipulate others. It is a calculated and intentional act of mimicking another person's body language, gestures, and speech patterns so as to make them empathize and feel connected to the narcissist.

Narcissists engage in mirroring to create a sense of rapport, trust, and connection with another, often to secure narcissistic supply.

The narcissist will closely observe and then imitate their target’s behaviors, interests, attitudes, values, and emotions. Their goal is to establish a bond with the other individual by creating a false sense of similarity and making the other person feel like they have found someone who truly understands and connects with them.

Relationships with narcissists are marked by toxic patterns of intense appreciation and depreciation. They make you feel special and needed, but their attention turns to scorn. Finally, when you no longer serve their needs, they discard you.