James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 20, 2024
west sussex
The very first thing that jumped out to me was how does he know the treatment will work? He’s very confident it will for someone who has had multiple complications. He’s so thick he presumes he can just state it has gone and he’s cured and people will believe him. Thick as pig s.
If he’s generally stage 4 with mets to lung he will never be cured he can be no evidence of active disease but never cured. Stage 4 is incurable and if having chemo they will tick that box when he signs consent for the chemo. He will be likely having 21 day cycles - chemo on day 1 and day 8 and then off till 21 days is his then back on day 1 and day 8 x


Jun 19, 2024
If he’s generally stage 4 with mets to lung he will never be cured he can be no evidence of active disease but never cured. Stage 4 is incurable and if having chemo they will tick that box when he signs consent for the chemo. He will be likely having 21 day cycles - chemo on day 1 and day 8 and then off till 21 days is his then back on day 1 and day 8 x
He's an absolute tool. He's got no clue what he's talking about half the time, that's what frustrates me. There are genuine people suffering with the disease who do know the processes etc and he thinks he can spout a load of rubbish and get away with it.


Jun 19, 2024
Morning James. We know you're still here. You can't keep away, you thrive on the attention.
Hate to burst that bubble of yours but you won't be ringing any bell mate. Cos your bullshit diagnosis would never be cured. Massive mistake you made there. Oops. ftard.
Your lies are ridiculous now. Only bell I hear for you is that prison bell. Fancy swanning off and getting pissed using the money you sponge off your sheep. You literally have no shame. Like your friend Lozza, she's just as vile as you. She's exposed her kid to you that's what I find most disturbing. Let's be grateful you haven't produced crotch goblins tho eh, you as a father? I wouldn't wish that on anyone let alone a poor innocent child.
Awaiting the next bullshit post cos we know you're always lurking. You're like a fart in a lift.
Jul 2, 2024
So he thinks he’s going to just erm forget he’s got cancer and then announce in a few months that he’s cured? Is he Jesus?
I’d believe his little rants about staying quiet and not reading here, but firstly he’s desperate for attention and secondly he’s obsessed with himself and so won’t be able to hold back from seeing what’s been said (morning James)
Wonder what’s next on his list of things to lie about? Maybe something completely off the grid like an ectopic pregnancy where he tries to claim he was born with a uterus?


Jun 19, 2024
So he thinks he’s going to just erm forget he’s got cancer and then announce in a few months that he’s cured? Is he Jesus?
I’d believe his little rants about staying quiet and not reading here, but firstly he’s desperate for attention and secondly he’s obsessed with himself and so won’t be able to hold back from seeing what’s been said (morning James)
Wonder what’s next on his list of things to lie about? Maybe something completely off the grid like an ectopic pregnancy where he tries to claim he was born with a uterus?
Whatever it is it will be extreme, cos he's dumb.


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
If he’s generally stage 4 with mets to lung he will never be cured he can be no evidence of active disease but never cured. Stage 4 is incurable and if having chemo they will tick that box when he signs consent for the chemo. He will be likely having 21 day cycles - chemo on day 1 and day 8 and then off till 21 days is his then back on day 1 and day 8 x
Exactly. He really hasn’t thought this through. I think he genuinely believes you can be ‘cured’ with chemo for Stage 4. I lost my mum to lung cancer 4 years ago hence why I get so upset by his actions. I just want him outed publicly for the distress he has caused so many of us and to have no way of squirming out of it. I’ll get off my soap box now 🤣


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Morning James.
FAO anyone who is interested, looks like Jimbo was 'trolling' genuine people who are suffering with cancer last night. This is the lovely lady whose husband actually DOES have terminal cancer.

Just when we thpught that piece of s couldn’t go any lower who sends that to Sarah who is going through so much with her husband who has terminal cancer. Words fail me how disgusting that bastard is. Bit that will be his downfall.

The amount of friends and followers Sarah and Ian have, it will be all over TT and the internet now and people will see what he is. This won’t go away for him.

He really is gutter. As if anybody with cancer would write that to anybody going through what Sarah and Ian do on a daily basis.

Mal comms this is James, dear me. You are finished. Trolls are the least of your problems.


Jun 19, 2024
It was me that warned her. Well I'm one of them. Told her he's a nasty piece of work.
James you are a pathetic weasel. Is there no low u won't stoop to. As if genuine cancer sufferers don't have enough to deal with, you feel the need to be a c**t towards them. You are scum.
I think my afternoon will be spent contacting the media about you. Maybe if quite a few of us do it they will get on it and expose this absolute pond scum to the rest of the world. You've gone too James, if anyone needs to be scared it's you.

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
I'm predicting he will claim this wasn't him and it's all been set up by his 'trolls' to make him look bad...
Wait for the pity post...woe is me, people help the people, I didn't want to do this video but...yada yada yada!
You're predictable Jimbo, you underestimate us and I think you've fed with the wrong people now.
Luckily Sarah and Ian were warned that you would do this so once again you've just played into your own downfall!


Jun 19, 2024
I'm predicting he will claim this wasn't him and it's all been set up by his 'trolls' to make him look bad...
Wait for the pity post...woe is me, people help the people, I didn't want to do this video but...yada yada yada!
You're predictable Jimbo, you underestimate us and I think you've fed with the wrong people now.
Luckily Sarah and Ian were warned that you would do this so once again you've just played into your own downfall!
He will never admit it was him, like u say he will say it was us lol
He's gone too far now tbh, it's game over.
Jun 18, 2024
James you disgusting piece of 💩 is your employer aware (that are paying you sick pay apparently) aware of your holidays 🤔
If your well enough to hop on an aeroplane then your well enough to go earn your own wage rather than steal from innocent people. 😡
He hasn’t had a job for years. Lives off benefits and his TT subscribers. He’s not getting sick pay from anywhere.