James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 24, 2024
Yes I’m the same - I’ve used this page as my basis. It’s not the money (I only donated 20€) it’s the principle - I’ll be so wary of donating again to ppl because of him - which isn’t fair on ppl who genuinely need & deserve help.
I should also say that I came across Sarah & Ian as a result of James and the difference is so clear to see. They both speak to eloquently about Ian’s cancer journey and all their videos are so detailed - it’s so obvious that he’s lying. His videos are more of the poor me style - whereas Ian and Sarah’s videos & lives are brutally honest about the realities of cancer and when people ask questions they are so helpful in their answers. His lives earlier this week were awful - to tell someone to jump off a pier I think he said when he’s apparently tried to commit suicide just shows the type of person he is.


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
He’s scouring the internet for pity me sayings again !!
Oh Jimbo, what a prat you are , standing outside your flat in your sunglasses ALONE and you deserve to be. You absolute knob.
We all know you have a criminal record for scamming people. Your poor dad must be so proud of you - NOT !! Well , you won’t be meeting him when you die as you’re going to HELL 🔥
Mar 16, 2024
Finally caught up as was away all week with my girlie and didn't have any internet hahah. I can't believe the difference in him between his videos and his lives, he doesn't even sound the same never mind look the same. Every time he says I'm not gonna lie it makes me want to scratch my eyeballs out. Still has comments off on all videos as well. I don't understand how his followers can't see right through him after everything that's been shown here and on tt by truth and our purple witch ( I hope you are ok Vickie ). He is vile on his lives and I can't watch because he gives me the rage and what is it with his head movements when on live?? Maybe that's why he always scratches his head or hand on his head, he's trying to keep it still bloody weirdo. I've followed Sarah and Ian for a while and think you are both incredible. Weeble head ( weebles wobble but they won't fall down ) is a disgusting excuse of a human being, he makes my blood boil. I'm so sorry to you all struggling and fighting this horrendous disease and sending you all the love in the world.
Jun 8, 2024
Finally caught up as was away all week with my girlie and didn't have any internet hahah. I can't believe the difference in him between his videos and his lives, he doesn't even sound the same never mind look the same. Every time he says I'm not gonna lie it makes me want to scratch my eyeballs out. Still has comments off on all videos as well. I don't understand how his followers can't see right through him after everything that's been shown here and on tt by truth and our purple witch ( I hope you are ok Vickie ). He is vile on his lives and I can't watch because he gives me the rage and what is it with his head movements when on live?? Maybe that's why he always scratches his head or hand on his head, he's trying to keep it still bloody weirdo. I've followed Sarah and Ian for a while and think you are both incredible. Weeble head ( weebles wobble but they won't fall down ) is a disgusting excuse of a human being, he makes my blood boil. I'm so sorry to you all struggling and fighting this horrendous disease and sending you all the love in the world.
Bless you I’m ok thank you xx


New member
Jul 4, 2024
This makes me so cross. I have a friend who is going through chemo at the mo and it knocks her for six and she has to go to bed to rest up. He is making a mockery of her and everyone else with cancer and doing their all to beat it. As for his head scratching and squinty eyes… 😩 annoys the hell out of me how he says he ain’t gonna comment any more on it then what do ya know another video pops up discussing it!! What a moron! Also my daughter lost her friend at 15 to suicide. He should be ashamed of himself!
Jun 18, 2024
James let me tell you what strength is…… strength is battling a deadly disease when every day it knocks you off your feet, strength is watching the people you love the most losing a battle and not letting them see how much it has broken you. Strength is sitting day in and day out wondering if you will see another - strength is not you sat watching football throwing a pity party on tik tok for likes. fwit!!
Jun 18, 2024
James … when you lie you should really commit to it, do your research a bit. That’s what you fed up on, nothing you have said regarding cancer and treatment makes sense and you wonder why you’ve been called out. Called out by those who know, not trolls, those who have actually been and watched others going through it, those who can put two and two together and not get 7.
Jun 22, 2024
Curb Your Enthusiasm Bingo GIF by Jason Clarke


Jun 16, 2024
“Moshpit” video broke the record for lack of likes …

Over 6000 views …


Anyone would think it would be impossible for someone the day after having chemo to enjoy such a thing 🤔😂

PS Morning fat head 😘 🤥
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Jun 19, 2024
Morning everyone (and James)
So I've just had one of his vids pop up on my TT. You posted it 27th April this year.
Couple of things James, so in the first pic you say u underwent major surgery to remove your tumour. Second pic shows your stomach. No new scars. Where's the incision site for the surgery James?
Then it says you started your first chemo in March but 48hrs later u were rushed into hospital with sepsis and put in an induced coma. Your next image is of the wall. Date on that is 16th April. Plus it says your on B2 in the irving building that's general surgery for males.
Another video dated 8th may this year. It starts with the same images as the one dated 27th April. Said u were put into a coma and woken up again. There's the image of the bag of omeprazole dated 11/4/2024. Pretty sure that says B2 again on the ward bit tho there's a slash and a 6. That could be the bay u were in. Oo and the image of the syringe being put directly into your IV. I've managed to zoom in on that. Some antibiotics. Co-amoxiclav. If you had indeed been put into an induced coma u wouldn't be on a general ward. You'd be in ICU. Yet again all the images are from the previous video. I love the fact uve walked round taking pictures of doors that look important that u can use later. 😂
Oh look the first video you did 18th Feb it's full of the same images!!! Lmfao
Let's be honest James noones saying you haven't been admitted for your crohns. But that's what these photos are of. Nothing to do with cancer. You've had a good go at it ill give u that but it hasn't worked. See you've gone to all that effort of posting the iv of omeprazole and rhw syringe of co-amoxiclav cos those are the only actual real images u have. If you had cancer and were having treatment surely you'd have taken pics of the chemo etc like u did you omeprazole?
Ah but you can't can you, cos you aren't receiving chemo. Same as you don't have cancer. Youve decided to use your crohns images etc and palm it off as cancer which u then exaggerated way too much without doing your research. Now you've been rumbled.
The evidence you are lying is in your own videos that you have stupidly created and put up. That's just those 3 videos. There will be more evidence in your other videos. Like the rnli one for example.
So come on James, you keep asking for proof there it is. Now show us yours that you say you have. We will be waiting. Like we have the last couple of months.


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Jun 16, 2024
Morning everyone (and James)
So I've just had one of his vids pop up on my TT. You posted it 27th April this year.
Couple of things James, so in the first pic you say u underwent major surgery to remove your tumour. Second pic shows your stomach. No new scars. Where's the incision site for the surgery James?
Then it says you started your first chemo in March but 48hrs later u were rushed into hospital with sepsis and put in an induced coma. Your next image is of the wall. Date on that is 16th April. Plus it says your on B2 in the irving building that's general surgery for males.
Another video dated 8th may this year. It starts with the same images as the one dated 27th April. Said u were put into a coma and woken up again. There's the image of the bag of omeprazole dated 11/4/2024. Pretty sure rhat says B2 again on the ward bit tho there's a slash and a 6. That could be the bay u were in. Oo and the image of the syringe being put directly into your IV. I've managed to zoom in on that. Some antibiotics. Co-amoxiclav. If you had indeed been put into an induced coma u wouldn't be on a general ward. You'd be in ICU. Yet again all the images are from the previous video. I love the fact uve walked round taking pictures of doors that look important that u can use later. 😂
Oh look the first video you did 18th Feb it's full of the same images!!! Lmfao
Let's be honest James noones saying you haven't been admitted for your crohns. But that's what these photos are of. Nothing to do with cancer. You've had a good go at it ill give u that but it hasn't worked. See you've gone to all that effort of posting the iv of omeprazole and rhw syringe of co-amoxiclav cos those are the only actual real images u have. If you had cancer and were having treatment surely you'd have taken pics of the chemo etc like u did you omeprazole?
Ah but you can't can you, cos you aren't receiving chemo. Same as you don't have cancer. Youve decided to use your crohns images etc and palm it off as cancer which u then exaggerated way too much without doing your research. Now you've been rumbled.
The evidence you are lying is in your own videos that you have stupidly created and put up. That's just those 3 videos. There will be more evidence in your other videos. Like the rnli one for example.
So come on James, you keep asking for proof there it is. Now show us yours that you say you have. We will be waiting. Like we have the last couple of months.
Mic drop 🎤 ❤️

This could do with making into a video on TikTok 🤔❤️
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