James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 21, 2024
I’m currently going through chemo about to start my 5th round and have been on this page for weeks (as is thought something wasn’t right…& when I asked my team at the Christie’s to do a welfare check he wasn’t a patient at the Christie’s despite his videos of him walking the corridors and filming outside critical care) - I’ve just created a separate account asking if advice on chemo and you can see him reading it and then trying to ignore it…he scares me beyond words…
See this is what makes me so angry!! Genuine cancer warriors and survivors like yourself having to see absolute waste of oxygen pricks like him desperate for attention and lying about the worst thing anyone can! Iam so sorry, I'm so sorry your having to see this and go through all that you are 😢 sending love and hugs 🩷 xx


Jun 15, 2024
people need to stop arguing with eachother and if somethings been seen with my own eyes as proof il be speaking about it… If someones asked me not to post the video as jimmy reads here and straight away he will use this against that person i respect them just as i would respect you to trust my judgement as i wouldnt bounce on without facts. I come with a very good sorce and i have thousands of messages from people who knew or came across jimmy i havent said half of it but who cares. I just want to know why did he lie about having cancer thats all i want to know? I want his proof because even his own family dont have any proof and thats based on facts. Troll me jimmy unblock me simple as it gets! No one cares where you stay no ones coming to you with a knife the stories are absolutely mental and people on here dont give him satisfaction of arguments with eachother just keep the comments about jimmy and your stories if you like to share we like to help people not let jimmy get to us all lets get comment cafe back to where it was. Aka trolls that we are all 🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌 and love to you all 💜
remember we arnt trolls any more we are all woman over 60 who are obsessed with a gay man 🤥😂