Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
Is she banging on about the bloke still in a relationship? She’s a ‘grown arsed woman’ who doesn’t understand that men who cheat on their partners will be manipulative in every relationship they have. Specially ‘relationships’ with their side hens (she ain’t no chick). God she’s life goals isn’t she? Between her stories and Lous I actually feel like I have the most perfect life, family and set of morals in the world I swear! 🤣🤣
Same here 🤣
Apr 16, 2023
In 1 year from now, she will be in the exact space/situation as she is now, same old day in day out, same carpets, same 4 walls, same morals and values, same jumped up ego, same life limiting notions, only difference will be some more drama collected under her belt. That thought, would terrify me if I was her. Imagine, gosh! What a prospect.
Same old clothes aswell
Apr 16, 2023
Slow on the uptake, but then my full-time job isn’t being a pound shop Poirot. I have just realised that the guy she showed a little glimpse of in her house/bedroom the other weekend is the guy in the transit van that she was doing the tour de drive thru’s with. This is the guy that she was laughing with when she was telling him that there was a picture of her vagina all over the Internet, and to be honest he didn’t sound that impressed. Each to their own, but what man is going to leave his long-term partner and child for someone like that, let’s face it she is just a dirty shag to him.
He probably seen the grotty house and decor and thought fk that,that's all she ever will be to any man now,because of of she's put herself out there to easy,and by looks of it still putting it about easy


Apr 12, 2023
Gotta say that video of her daughter and that snail was cute as do but in case you don’t know kk having snails around dogs is dangerous. I didn’t learn that info for a while after being a dog owner so I’m not about to s you off for it but legit wouldn’t want your dog getting sick so just letting you know. You’re still beef to the heels like a mullingar heifer though 🤷🏽‍♀️
Apr 12, 2023
In 1 year from now, she will be in the exact space/situation as she is now, same old day in day out, same carpets, same 4 walls, same morals and values, same jumped up ego, same life limiting notions, only difference will be some more drama collected under her belt. That thought, would terrify me if I was her. Imagine, gosh! What a prospect.
Shes been this way for at least 5 years already. She'll always be this way.
Apr 21, 2023
At least other people take there dogs out at least twice a day,unlike kk
I take it she’s been dumped then?
she would never admit that though, making out she’s ended it 🤣🤣 that old chestnut!
She has no passion, pride or purpose for anything except buying s and causing s. she’s the dullest person on the internet yet thinks she’s the bees knees
Apr 16, 2023
The shirt, fake gucci belt and the 70’s hair🤣 What a style ICON.

THANK YOU. I couldn't for the life of me think of where the do I've seen that hair before and its deffo the worst 70s throwback I've ever seen 🤣
Wow, the lack of ambition! what an attitude to have,… nothing goes to plan, so live day to day, very tragic

It screams "no clue" doesn't it. She has no direction in life, I understand not everyone wants to be a "boss b" but she could have at least had the audacity to lie and said in light of her and dans split, her goals are to be the best mum she can be but no.. of course that doesn't even cross her mind. She will never ever amount to anything, she'll leech off of men until she's all worn out (which tbf she's looked all worn out since she came on insta) and who wants to be homeless when their kids are all grown up? Or, she'll get a council house and die alone with do all to leave her kids. Not even nice memories. Not even of that absolutely amazing 5***** 18 hours away on "holiday" up the road 🤣

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
So now she has been dumped herself after dumping Dan for a player do we think Dan will be back full time and her saying she made a mistake it was Dan all along? I don't think she will it seems like she has a attraction to black men (hope that's the right word no offence was ment, person of colour always makes me think of a rainbow person)
Apr 16, 2023
So now she has been dumped herself after dumping Dan for a player do we think Dan will be back full time and her saying she made a mistake it was Dan all along? I don't think she will it seems like she has a attraction to black men (hope that's the right word no offence was ment, person of colour always makes me think of a rainbow person)
Grass is not always greener on the otherside,i think she's wanted some excitement in her life which she clearly wasn't getting fro Dan,blokes paid her attention from her of but it's the wrong attention all they see is cheap shag and easy,and it has backfired

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Grass is not always greener on the otherside,i think she's wanted some excitement in her life which she clearly wasn't getting fro Dan,blokes paid her attention from her of but it's the wrong attention all they see is cheap shag and easy,and it has backfired
I really do agree, I'm not saying I feel sorry for her or agree what she what did was wrong, when your relationship gets to certain point you become familiar with each other sometimes the butterflies stop and its more of a friendship, someone setting them butterflies off and we all know the first few months of a relationship is all new fresh and exciting, maybe should should of tried harder to get those feelings back with Dan? But I actually think she craves the attention and loves it until she did onlyhams I can't see her getting much male attention, come of it we have all seen her on a school run men would run a mile and she can't run for s!!! So now it's all boobs let's find alexa and filters men are paying her attention for probably the first time in her life and she is buzzing of it not caring that she is putting a proper relationship on the line, relationships are hard work you have to constantly work at it to keep it alive and happy, I really hope Dan finds a lovely lady a proper lady that shows him what love is, it's not reduced raiding and bites out of his sandwiches or scared to take food out the freezer
Apr 16, 2023
I really do agree, I'm not saying I feel sorry for her or agree what she what did was wrong, when your relationship gets to certain point you become familiar with each other sometimes the butterflies stop and its more of a friendship, someone setting them butterflies off and we all know the first few months of a relationship is all new fresh and exciting, maybe should should of tried harder to get those feelings back with Dan? But I actually think she craves the attention and loves it until she did onlyhams I can't see her getting much male attention, come of it we have all seen her on a school run men would run a mile and she can't run for s!!! So now it's all boobs let's find alexa and filters men are paying her attention for probably the first time in her life and she is buzzing of it not caring that she is putting a proper relationship on the line, relationships are hard work you have to constantly work at it to keep it alive and happy, I really hope Dan finds a lovely lady a proper lady that shows him what love is, it's not reduced raiding and bites out of his sandwiches or scared to take food out the freezer
Exactly this,ive been with my partner 30 years have kids to him we got together when we were 17,relationships are hard you have to work at them.We've had times like that were think is this going to be my life,i think when you become parents you forget who you were before them,and its all just same s different day but you work at it if you really want it.She had recieved alot of attention from men and she loves the buzz,it's not the fact her and dan have drifted apart,its the fact she's put other men and money before Dan as that is what's giving her the buzz,but it is all fake,men just see her now as quick fling,wank bank material not some1 to settle down with and she scares men away with the way she goes on,as said before grass not always greener you can make things work if put effort in BUT it can only work if both want it,thats my opinion anyway