Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 12, 2023
Also Jodies kids ? Why the hell would I be interested in her kids ? If anyone is obsessed with her kids it's you lot continously bleeping on about them ...makes a change from obsessing over my children though tbf .

Seriously get a fing grip .

Anyway I'm off ladies I have better things to spend my time on like selling stories to the paper , sleeping with married men and being a s mother . Bye x
Bye t 👋 don't let the door hit you on your fat lard ass on the way out, you might break it
Apr 17, 2023
It was the "and social media team" for me as if she's some kind of influencer! What does she influence people to do? Oh yeah.. To be NOTHING like her!!
Like The Sun, Scottish or otherwise protect the people they report on, they’re the biggest, lying, trolling scumbags of the red tops


May 2, 2023
Also Jodies kids ? Why the hell would I be interested in her kids ? If anyone is obsessed with her kids it's you lot continously bleeping on about them ...makes a change from obsessing over my children though tbf .

Seriously get a fing grip .

Anyway I'm off ladies I have better things to spend my time on like selling stories to the paper , sleeping with married men and being a s mother . Bye x
Literally nobody gives a do about your kids, nobody though. You included.

Although I do wish you’d stop dressing them in second hand clothes the poor little fers.
Apr 16, 2023
Literally nobody gives a do about your kids, nobody though. You included.

Although I do wish you’d stop dressing them in second hand clothes the poor little fers.
What’s her kids names again? Bart and Lisa? No clue whatsoever 😂😂 she keeps everything oh so private as she’s a great parent who knows how to safe guard 🙄🙄🫣😂
Apr 12, 2023
“Get sent”

yeah alright KK, we know you’re following every post on here and refreshing constantly.

Pretty sure that’s a racist statement, Thick t!

Was just talking to my husband who’s Bajan (he has Barbadian parents KKK oh actually you won’t know what that is either ya thick t. They’re from Barbados) and he said to let you know know on behalf of all Bajans they politely decline 🤡 🐷
Apr 21, 2023
Pretty sure that’s a racist statement, Thick t!

Was just talking to my husband who’s Bajan (he has Barbadian parents KKK oh actually you won’t know what that is either ya thick t. They’re from Barbados) and he said to let you know know on behalf of all Bajans they politely decline 🤡 🐷
Poor Dan having to read that after he’s give his life to that t. I genuinely hope he finds a nice woman.
May 23, 2023
Pretty sure that’s a racist statement, Thick t!

Was just talking to my husband who’s Bajan (he has Barbadian parents KKK oh actually you won’t know what that is either ya thick t. They’re from Barbados) and he said to let you know know on behalf of all Bajans they politely decline 🤡 🐷
We going there? On behalf of my Jamaican nephew (who’s only a couple years younger than her) it’s a hard pass as well 🥰
Apr 12, 2023
Let's also hope you don't reproduce anymore children especially when one already had a lucky escape from you 🌹 who wants a spiteful balding b like you for a mother. Such a great role model! Trolling women online 23 hours a day. 🤡
It’s actually fing terrifying you’re someone’s mother because I know this is you KKK you inbred t and probably the inbred child snatcher too!
You will get what’s coming to you, and we’ll be here watching and it will be the best show we’ve ever seen!
You can keep trying but you can’t get to Jodie you dirty t, that must kill you that she treasures her babies and nurtures them as she does.
All while you stick a fing cabbage up your hole with your kids running feral somewhere else in the house, silly t!
Apr 16, 2023
Why are you so obsessed with this blokes car?? I couldn't give a s what he drives it seems to be you more obsessed with his car than anyone . No one gives a s but you ...are you dating him or ??

Uhuh. Brilliant.
I mean…you’re not dating him either. He’s gonna come for a quick 2 pumps and a squirt and then do off back to his family. Just like the last one did and the next one probably will as well.

I hope you always put your sheet on a boil wash to get rid of all the random dna 🤢🤢


Apr 17, 2023
I feel it’s going to be a looooong one tonight with new accounts appearing, created due to narcissistic rage. Luckily, I’m off on holiday with an early morning flight so I’m doing a Mario and going to bed at 8pm 🤣 night trolls.
I hope you bought all of your holiday clothes and accessories at least one year in advance 😜