Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
Finally caught up - she's definitely back with Dan or at least stringing him along/living with him as she keeps slipping up and saying "we" and when talking about a coffee machine for example, I don't think the kids follow under that "we" 😉 she's also wearing her fake wedding rings again which is weird in itself considering she isn't married nor engaged as far as I know? In one breath it's we this and we that, the next they're going to "their dads" , then he's coming round playing happy families eating a "platter" 🤣 make it make sense.

Also what's with the scum around her mouth recently? It's fing vile.

It really fs me off she's on tiktok, a place for the younger generation and she's asking sheepish and childish about an STI test?? Something that's literally essential when you have an active sex life, to protect yourself and other people? And she's acting like a school girl giggling over it is she okay?

Then admits her bag was £40 from tkmaxx. A designer that's ranked #249 out of 1000 in the list of global brands 🤣 then got the 2nd hand matching purse that doesn't actually match 🤣 its so embarrassing 😳

I'm so fing angry at the greedy t as well, food waste is at an all time high while so is food poverty and she's cutting up fruit she knows her kids won't eat because it looks nice?? No doubt they was reduced and could have gone to someone who would have eaten them as well but glutton t couldn't let that happen now could she!

Then this morning sitting eating a slap up breakfast slagging off her neighbours yet again, while her kids scream in the background probably fuelled by cheese strings and chocolate spread on toast. Selfish mess of a woman.
Apr 16, 2023
Finally caught up - she's definitely back with Dan or at least stringing him along/living with him as she keeps slipping up and saying "we" and when talking about a coffee machine for example, I don't think the kids follow under that "we" 😉 she's also wearing her fake wedding rings again which is weird in itself considering she isn't married nor engaged as far as I know? In one breath it's we this and we that, the next they're going to "their dads" , then he's coming round playing happy families eating a "platter" 🤣 make it make sense.

Also what's with the scum around her mouth recently? It's fing vile.

It really fs me off she's on tiktok, a place for the younger generation and she's asking sheepish and childish about an STI test?? Something that's literally essential when you have an active sex life, to protect yourself and other people? And she's acting like a school girl giggling over it is she okay?

Then admits her bag was £40 from tkmaxx. A designer that's ranked #249 out of 1000 in the list of global brands 🤣 then got the 2nd hand matching purse that doesn't actually match 🤣 its so embarrassing 😳

I'm so fing angry at the greedy t as well, food waste is at an all time high while so is food poverty and she's cutting up fruit she knows her kids won't eat because it looks nice?? No doubt they was reduced and could have gone to someone who would have eaten them as well but glutton t couldn't let that happen now could she!

Then this morning sitting eating a slap up breakfast slagging off her neighbours yet again, while her kids scream in the background probably fuelled by cheese strings and chocolate spread on toast. Selfish mess of a woman.
Of course she's back with Dan,he's never been away,benefit fraud at it's finest,more fool Dan the mug
Apr 16, 2023
So she's talking about people in her live boring her and the people on there boring her and apparently that's everyone's fault but hers? Maybe she'd have more interaction if everyone hadn't realised what a t she was and frd her off. No one wants to associate with her anymore. No one watches you because you're nice and they wanna chat and befriend you, they watch you to point and laugh like they're laughing at a beast at a freak show. We are laughing babes, we're all having banter. Just not with you, at you.

What the do is she talking about as well "shaming women who try and do anything for themselves because they're mums" erm... hun.. you're shamed for neglecting your children not mothering them 🤣 you're shamed for doing EVERYTHING for yourself and the bare minimum to keep your kids alive ffs. I mean, posting crack pics as then pics of not only her kids but others as well?? On a public account? She's entirely nuts. "How dare you date cos you're single" - completely missing the point she's got men in and out of her kids house INCLUDING THE ONE SHE SUPPOSEDLY CLAIRES LAWED. She had him in her house. Someone she's insinuating is a danger!! She's manic.

You actually DO have to be a different person when you become a parent, if the person you are previous to parenting is s. Which it undoubtedly is for her as she's a pile of steaming turd now.

If she's only making double what she would in a waitress job then clearly OF is failing for her as that's hardly enough to change your life but lose your dignity and embarrass your kids over. Especially when they're still wearing second hand and she creams herself over a new pair of sandals for cheese. Those kids have seem do all of the "double" wages and she doesn't put them first. If "having a good month" is buying a £40 bag new from tkmaxx then GIVE THE do UP you beast.

For the record I've NEVER seen Rebecca Goodwins children's faces online at all, has anyone else? I'd also like to say I'm "up her arse" because the work she's doing to provide homes for low income families with her earnings is phenomenal and admirable. She's everything KKK will never and could never be.