Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


May 6, 2023
Wow… KK is now calling me, and getting whatever male she’s with to pretend she’s the police 😂. Not a problem KK, I’m going to be calling 101 to confirm if a police officer has really been at your address today, and used your phone to call me 🫣🫣 I’m EMBARRASSED for you! Not to mention impersonating a police officer is a criminal offence.

What was it you got them to say KK? ‘If personal screenshots are shared on a ‘hate forum’ that you can be arrested for breach of data and slander’

Let me ring 101 guys then the screenshots will be rolling 👌🏼
She chats s. Just bloody share them!!!!


May 29, 2023
It’s Aileen so she gets hurt by that word as her adopted son is autistic and has extreme additional needs so she takes offence to words like that.
Again not Aileen.
Just someone who is respectful of others and doesn't believe in using such vile language.


Apr 16, 2023
Not worried at all- I just want to call her out on her bollocks YET AGAIN. She was clearly ruffled by what was said last night, and hasn’t acknowledged it on her stories. Which normally if she had ‘proof’ of such ‘lies’ she’d be the first person shouting into her camera. Ironic really.
And still hasn't apologised. Fire away my love
May 23, 2023
Just a side note on the ring doorbell, mine you can snooze notifications so you won't be informed if someone's at the door, the only way you'd know is if you went through manually looking for something which I assume he wouldn't do until being notified of her skullduggery 🤣 also, some don't save footage for more than 24 hours, you can set how long it saves for on mine so would be easy for her to be sly I rekon!

But anyway, @Yammyssubstanceaddiction ! How was your date night? I'd say I'm sad you weren't here in real time but tbh that would be a lie!! KKK getting thrashed all night while her nemesis enjoys a date night with her long term partner? BEA-UTIFUL mate!

And for those saying no new information, I have to disagree. We aren't idiots so we put the pieces together and speculate and this woman giving the tea, she's given me a lot more insight to the speculation, proving it true imo! So go easy on her, she's one of us 🙌 and STEALING from her MIL and it turning up in Ted's lunch box - never knew that!! She's a ripper ain't she. I will say I would like screen shots, not to "prove" anything but just because having the hard evidence online will freak KKK the do out!! But otherwise, carry on. What a night 🤣🙌
do me that was a catch up and a half! I think my fave part of the ‘who is Danny’ saga was when he said his ‘football team isn’t playing until later’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ‘football team’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

‘Football team’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Just no mate, just NO! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣