Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

May 13, 2023
Sorry @Toomanytalestotale i had every faith in you posting these screenshots but I call bullshit. (I will apologise if you do do it) you believed Kks bullshit lies about the police and bottled it or never had the intention of sharing. You said you were sorting the kids this morning and then sharing? Have you got lost? Hmmm something is off!!
SWF/The Neighbour account - strikes again it seems. Had a whiff of this last night tbh

Which is worrying for KK because someone out there is proper obsessed!! Like nut case level
Apr 16, 2023
Nurse, she is out of bed again!

The truth has green told, and shown in screenshot, Kayleigh. I do reserve the right to put the record straight. Something you failed to do on your stories and lives.

If I am not being truthful, unblock me and I will willingly have a discussion with you for all to see

I am really sorry that you wanted more out of our friendship than I did. Genuinely. I respected your requests, and only posted on this forum to set the record straight

I was polite, did not s you off, but you felt the need to slander, lie, defame my character, contacted my daughter, issued threats, committed a cyber crime more than once, and continued to post lies to boost your views for your own game

You posted things that you thought would hurt me, and humiliate me. They didn't, as you clearly had me confused for someone who gave an actual do what you thought

But there comes a point in time, and I advised you should you continue you behaviours and actions towards me,bor my family, that I would take the appropriate action to bring the matter to a close

I did pay for most things on that day. I paid for the tickets to the theatre, which you were going to go halves on, but didn't. I paid for lunch, I do that with close friends, I may pay for one, they may pay for one. I paid for the cab, as I wanted to ensure a friend got home safe

But ultimately I paid for the above not because I was paying for your services, nothing could be further from the truth

I paid because you said you were vert tight on money, your OF revenue had dropped through the floor, you mentioned you had just earnt £50 odd quid leading up to the day, and you needed more stories / content to supply to your Scottish Sun friend to drive subs to your OF page. You said you had no money. I am not a money person. I would give my last pound if it helped a friend

My ex wife, I am not obsessed with her. I talked about the issues she had caused the family, the kids mostly. Her bra size did come up a few times, and you asked to see photos of her, which I supplied

You seemed obsessed about her, asking if I still loved her etc. Fact is I thought we were two mates chatting about previous experiences and relationships, I have told my story go friends a lot over the past 18 months, you were no different

My only narrative has only been the truth, and setting the record straight

If you want my silence, stopping posting s about me. Until you do, I will continue to provide the truth

Again, sorry you got blown out by an OAP, sorry that you can fish it out, but don't like it back, sorry the truth does not meet your narrative and seems to make you rabid

The thing I never understood was why you felt the need to to have such a docial media presence, with everything you had going on in your life, put yours and your family welfare first.

Sadly, the more I look jntonthings, I do think you are unwell, and need genuine help. You are destroying lives with your obsession of being an influencer, it really isn't healthy. For your sake, andvthatbof the family, reach out and get help before itv really is too late and you regret your behaviour and actions later in time


Apr 16, 2023
I'm far  far from Team KK but @Toomanytalestotale you've lost me on this one. You enjoyed having everyone gathered around for the "tea", you dragged it out and took the piss out of us. Boo, hiss, 0's across the board. No me gusta. If you come back and grovel with screenshots it will only partially redeem you and you probably can't sit with us anymore.
Apr 16, 2023
Sorry @Toomanytalestotale i had every faith in you posting these screenshots but I call bullshit. (I will apologise if you do do it) you believed Kks bullshit lies about the police and bottled it or never had the intention of sharing. You said you were sorting the kids this morning and then sharing? Have you got lost? Hmmm something is off!!
I believe her but think either the alleged police call spooked her or KK got to her with threats…… or perhaps her partner talked her out of getting involved in the drama. It was quite clear at the beginning that she didn’t really want to spill the tea, just needed an apology or explanation from KK


Apr 16, 2023
I believe her but think either the alleged police call spooked her or KK got to her with threats…… or perhaps her partner talked her out of getting involved in the drama. It was quite clear at the beginning that she didn’t really want to spill the tea, just needed an apology or explanation from KK
If Kayleigh had threatened you, @Toomanytalestotale, tell us because we'll ride at dawn! Otherwise my previous statement stands 😁


Aug 10, 2023
I think the police call was a load of se.

I said last night she brought ZERO new information other than stolen money and Social Work involvement (which many of us assumed anyway).

She backed up absolutely do all.

And let’s be honest, KK would have blasted her all over insta if there was a sniff of it being true.

It was and is a a lot of se made up by a fantasist.

The biggest RED FLAG was the 6 year friendship. Met through insta, witnessed the deplorable and downright evil things KK said and openly admitted to doing, but stuck by her and gave her money??? SHHHUUUTTT UUUPPPPPP🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Aug 10, 2023
I believe her but think either the alleged police call spooked her or KK got to her with threats…… or perhaps her partner talked her out of getting involved in the drama. It was quite clear at the beginning that she didn’t really want to spill the tea, just needed an apology or explanation from KK
She had her details. They were pals for 6 years. Why not call her? If she blocked her number, call her from her mans. Make up a new Facebook/ insta and reach out there. If I was friends with someone for 6 years and they turned on me like that, I’d try everything to get in contact and find out what the hell went on. I wouldn’t go to the one place that I know my ex friend detested.


Aug 10, 2023
i think KK is so lonely that @Toomanytalestotale is probably her. They seemed to know the ins and outs. I think it was her because she has an empty life and wanted to cause drama so she could do a tik tok for content and come and speak to us all day. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Or even sadder, it was KK trying to get involved and have some chat with women. That’s more like it. She has no real friends and no girls she can have girly chats with on a Friday night.

That’s sad. And her own doing

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
i think KK is so lonely that @Toomanytalestotale is probably her. They seemed to know the ins and outs. I think it was her because she has an empty life and wanted to cause drama so she could do a tik tok for content and come and speak to us all day. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
And probably for her next Scottish Sun story. ‘I took it upon myself to speak to the trolls head on and offer to answer any questions they had’. Just wait.
Apr 16, 2023
Sorry hold on a moment .... what would be the difference of me getting a waitressing or bar evening and weekend job? Because I'd be out all weekend then..not just a few hours to do content and them being with their dad and not me ? Can you explain that to me ?

So because I make content at home when the kids are at their dad's and a day at the weekend they have out with their dad for me to earn money ... because it isn't what you approve of how I'm making money ONLINE then I'm a bad mother?

Also why is this any of your business what and where and how often thwy see their dad ? Because im failing to see how this concerns you or anyone for that fact .its really are crossing the line of what's your business and what isn't.

Are you also having thus view on all the other creators who have kids and have babysitters while they make content for of? Or just me ?

The difference is not mentally and emotionally scaring your kids you fing womble.

Yes lads. I'm still this far behind 😭😭🤣🤣
Apr 16, 2023
So you don't think what vile s I've read in here about me and my kids isn't grounds for me being a victim? Countless malicious calls to socials about my children ? You don't think my kids arnt a victim here either I suppose ?

What about when they are being and me being accused of the most despicable s I have ever read in my life ??

Wouldn't you feel a bit victimised ?

Karma. Justified karma due to your s actions as a human and a parent.