Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Aug 13, 2023
No because you’re going on and on and on and not giving us any proof that was said last night was false. You think this is some Q&A with Kayleigh and you’re the main character when that’s not what this is. You think you can just chat s and chat s and chat s some more and you will talk your way out of what was said.
I won't be bear baited into showing you anything what so ever . I don't have to prove anything to anyone on here who have harassed me and tried to interfer with my life and most Importantly my children's life and also people in here who thinks it's ok to call me a peadophile. I like I've said roughly 6 times already I haven't seen any evidence from not 1 perspn in here to prove ANYTHING anyone has said to be true!

So boring your sat in a forum discussing ME so yes I am the main character. Idiot .


Aug 13, 2023
Im starting to think the same, and if it was, what a sad, pathetic person she really is
Oh get a grip will you, again why are you all so concerned with what I was doing yesterday evening? Are you rhat invested in me ?

I was at a friend's last night is that ok? Would you like photographic wveidenxe of how i spent my evening?, 🫠Sorry I didn't spend my time in here yesterday evening.
Jul 25, 2023
I won't be bear baited into showing you anything what so ever . I don't have to prove anything to anyone on here who have harassed me and tried to interfer with my life and most Importantly my children's life and also people in here who thinks it's ok to call me a peadophile. I like I've said roughly 6 times already I haven't seen any evidence from not 1 perspn in here to prove ANYTHING anyone has said to be true!

So boring your sat in a forum discussing ME so yes I am the main character. Idiot .
The main character aha aha ahahahahahahahahahahahahabababahahahababababababhabhabhababah

And In all that is bergs language BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Apr 16, 2023
Played an absolute blinder that tales hasn't she...had us all sat round the campfire last night discussing cocktails and gravy.

Whoever it was they entertained us briefly so there's always a positive side

Meanwhile, fing question time with personality number 6....here's a question for you, do you actually believe anyone here has "trolled" your children?! Can you read? Do you not see that any mention of your children is in the same breath as us being concerned for their safety and well-being? Absolutely nothing bad being said about the children themselves....it's all about you and your questionable parenting choices mate
Jul 25, 2023
Oh get a grip will you, again why are you all so concerned with what I was doing yesterday evening? Are you rhat invested in me ?

I was at a friend's last night is that ok? Would you like photographic wveidenxe of how i spent my evening?, 🫠Sorry I didn't spend my time in here yesterday evening.
We don’t need evidence we see your evidence you sad fat t . Should ov been at home watching a film or bathing your kids n tucking them in ?


Aug 13, 2023
Kayleigh seems as though you’re here to answer questions but not answer any questions. There’s one thing that heavily plays on my mind that I just really need to know… How the do is your bra size a 34 when you’re about 20 stone?
I'll answer that when you answer me this ...wtf has my body size got to do with you for 1 ? Because quite frankly I find that weird your even asking that .

This really is getting silly now isn't it.
Apr 16, 2023
Oh get a grip will you, again why are you all so concerned with what I was doing yesterday evening? Are you rhat invested in me ?

I was at a friend's last night is that ok? Would you like photographic wveidenxe of how i spent my evening?, 🫠Sorry I didn't spend my time in here yesterday evening.
YOU don't have friend's you fkn moron and yes you were in here last night, did you get your so called friend to write all that s last night so you could play the victim today ?
Jul 12, 2023
Just worked it out, KK was quiet all last night, that’s because she was on here as that account. I think it was her guys. I know I said it before but it makes sense. Imagine being that fed in the head you actually troll yourself. Someone said she was with someone else so maybe they typed and that’s why there wasn’t any spelling mistakes.
Yes..said this earlier.


Aug 13, 2023
@jaggyjowls do you not think it’s dangerous and the opposite of safeguarding your children to be posting footage from your doorbell showing exactly where you live on your non private TikTok account? To add…. Footage of someone else who has NOT given you consent to post??
Oh the exact same thing how you trolls have done ? Commented ? Aired ? Re shared ? Do you not think it dangerous calling me a fing peadophile ? That my kids sexually abuse each other? Etc etc because many of you in here have!

Don't even start with any moral highground of me posting anything when you have written , spread and liked the most hideous s I have ever read in my life.
Apr 20, 2023
I won't be bear baited into showing you anything what so ever . I don't have to prove anything to anyone on here who have harassed me and tried to interfer with my life and most Importantly my children's life and also people in here who thinks it's ok to call me a peadophile. I like I've said roughly 6 times already I haven't seen any evidence from not 1 perspn in here to prove ANYTHING anyone has said to be true!

So boring your sat in a forum discussing ME so yes I am the main character. Idiot .
You posted a pic of a man whose name you didn’t know in your house on your account? Why won’t you address this? Is that not a massive safeguarding issue having strange men in your house where your children live? You’re being called a peado because you’re sharing images of your children next to your porn content? Why would you do this? Why can’t you keep them off you really think people want to see your kids? The only people who want to see them are the creeps you’re inviting to your page. Now please address this ‘evidence’