Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 20, 2023
Sorry where is the proof I have any man in my home when the kids are here ?? Ohhhhh yet again made up fing bollocks .

At this point this really is just wasting my time
Omg you thick t you posted a picture of him with his top off in your house and said he came round after you started threatening him online 🤣🤣🤣🤣


May 24, 2023
Sorry where is the proof I have any man in my home when the kids are here ?? Ohhhhh yet again made up fing bollocks .

At this point this really is just wasting my time
Kayleigh I think the point people are trying to make is you’ve had a man in your home where your children live who you didn’t know a thing about. You then fell out with him and aired him on social media creating a potentially dangerous situation with him knowing where you and your children live


Aug 13, 2023
You posted a pic of a man whose name you didn’t know in your house on your account? Why won’t you address this? Is that not a massive safeguarding issue having strange men in your house where your children live? You’re being called a peado because you’re sharing images of your children next to your porn content? Why would you do this? Why can’t you keep them off you really think people want to see your kids? The only people who want to see them are the creeps you’re inviting to your page. Now please address this ‘evidence’
Are you being serious ?? I had a man in my home when my children were at school!!!! But again I don't have to fing justify anything to you! You all make up scenarious in your heads. And it's really strange !!

Don't like what I post ? Don't watch me it really is as simple as that .

He was also a man I knew for 9 months! not 5 miniutes! You have no idea about anything you reallt dont. How the do was I meant to know he lied about his name !! And as soon as I figured out I was being used and he lied I never saw him again!!

This is so boring I honestly I don't know how u lot can sit and talk about me for hours it's fing draining . Honestly the lot of you need to fing grow up and stop being nasty fs .

I have better things to do with my evening that explain and justify myself to a pack of obsessed weirdos.
Apr 16, 2023
I'll answer that when you answer me this ...wtf has my body size got to do with you for 1 ? Because quite frankly I find that weird your even asking that .

This really is getting silly now isn't it.
I find it weird you laughing at your son writing a letter A and you thinking its a dick, i also find it weird you bring a mqn back to your house and you don't even no his real name
Apr 16, 2023
Are you being serious ?? I had a man in my home when my children were at school!!!! But again I don't have to fing justify anything to you! You all make up scenarious in your heads. And it's really strange !!

Don't like what I post ? Don't watch me it really is as simple as that .

He was also a man I knew for 9 months! not 5 miniutes! You have no idea about anything you reallt dont. How the do was I meant to know he lied about his name !! And as soon as I figured out I was being used and he lied I never saw him again!!

This is so boring I honestly I don't know how u lot can sit and talk about me for hours it's fing draining . Honestly the lot of you need to fing grow up and stop being nasty fs .

I have better things to do with my evening that explain and justify myself to a pack of obsessed weirdos.
Correction…we spoke about you and chips for hours! You aren’t the star of the show babes!


Aug 10, 2023
Jesus christ . How did you spend your evening last night?? Oh wait let me guess .....Sat timing account logins , my posts and guessing where I was 🥴
Wine, Chinese and a shag off my husband after a day shopping for holiday clothes.

Italian wine, not the cheap se you buy.
An appropriate sized meal, not the portions you slob on.
Shagged my husband. MY husband. The man who put a ring on my finger 20 years ago and treats me and our family like absolute royalty. See I don’t need to look elsewhere for my jollies unlike you and your gaping hippos yawn.
My husband takes me shopping, not vinted or charity shops or Klarna sweetie, to actual shops to try on clothes before I buy them. This is a foreign concept to you, I’m aware. Shopping in town, buying clothes for our holiday that isn’t a scummy caravan or hostel for 19 hours.

In between my busy night, I sat and had a laugh, over a drink of wine, with some of these lovely women on this forum. It was fabulous 😘

And you must be seething that so many friendship groups, so many women have actually bonded due to their detest for you.

Whilst your life falls apart bit by bit, we sit and watch and laugh. We laugh at your pathetic attempts to “out” your followers and how what we post and who we are consumes your full life.

We await your demise. We called all the fall outs with friends, Dans mum and now Dan has upped and left your spotty arse. We knew that the social services would be involved. We knew that your Only Fans would fail tremendously. We knew that school mums would come out of the woodwork and be as invested as we are in you crumbling. It’s all happening and it’s fing amazing 🤩
Apr 20, 2023
Are you being serious ?? I had a man in my home when my children were at school!!!! But again I don't have to fing justify anything to you! You all make up scenarious in your heads. And it's really strange !!

Don't like what I post ? Don't watch me it really is as simple as that .

He was also a man I knew for 9 months! not 5 miniutes! You have no idea about anything you reallt dont. How the do was I meant to know he lied about his name !! And as soon as I figured out I was being used and he lied I never saw him again!!

This is so boring I honestly I don't know how u lot can sit and talk about me for hours it's fing draining . Honestly the lot of you need to fing grow up and stop being nasty fs .

I have better things to do with my evening that explain and justify myself to a pack of obsessed weirdos.
Won’t address the only fans stuff again standard lol
Threatening a man you didn’t know who knew your address though where your children live… sounds like a massive safeguarding issue to me. Yet the trolls are the problem ha


May 6, 2023
Oh get a grip will you, again why are you all so concerned with what I was doing yesterday evening? Are you rhat invested in me ?

I was at a friend's last night is that ok? Would you like photographic wveidenxe of how i spent my evening?, 🫠Sorry I didn't spend my time in here yesterday evening.
Your confidence baffles me, like who blew smoke up your arse to think your something special? So embarrassing.


Aug 13, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.



May 6, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.

GET OVER IT HE DIDNT WANT YOU. go on about his age yet your all hurt he didn’t want you. Couldn’t even pull a elderly man😂😂


Aug 10, 2023
Sorry where is the proof I have any man in my home when the kids are here ?? Ohhhhh yet again made up fing bollocks .

At this point this really is just wasting my time
You had the Kev Collins - whose name you didn’t know come to your house in the middle of the day whilst your kids were at home. He came to confront you for claiming to have messaged his Mrs.

Is it me?? Seriously!!!

This is like the twilight zone.

You admitted it all on your live love.

At this point I think you seriously need mental health support.