Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 20, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.

Why do you keep bringing his age up? How is it relevant? It must kill you that a man his age turned you down you fing pig

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.

Can we all be unblocked so we don't have to wonder? Think of the numbers on your Instagram you must have a good 2k of us blocked


May 24, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.

So you blast him all over stories but when he comes and gives his side of the story you get your knickers in a twist? Think about your actions before you open your mouth as they always have consequences

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
Oh the exact same thing how you trolls have done ? Commented ? Aired ? Re shared ? Do you not think it dangerous calling me a fing peadophile ? That my kids sexually abuse each other? Etc etc because many of you in here have!

Don't even start with any moral highground of me posting anything when you have written , spread and liked the most hideous s I have ever read in my life.
You didn’t answer my question but it appears to have triggered you. But anyway…. I have NEVER accused you of being a paedophile 😇 and I have never said your kids sexually abuse eachother but what I have done is comment to say no one should be making those kind of accusations - sorry if that doesn’t fit your narrative 😇
Last edited:
Apr 16, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.

Are you for real, you were hounding him, you blocked him on sm so how was he hounding you, your just pissed off an older man knocked you back, and for the record every1 loves Paul in here ,now 🖕
Apr 29, 2023
Wine, Chinese and a shag off my husband after a day shopping for holiday clothes.

Italian wine, not the cheap se you buy.
An appropriate sized meal, not the portions you slob on.
Shagged my husband. MY husband. The man who put a ring on my finger 20 years ago and treats me and our family like absolute royalty. See I don’t need to look elsewhere for my jollies unlike you and your gaping hippos yawn.
My husband takes me shopping, not vinted or charity shops or Klarna sweetie, to actual shops to try on clothes before I buy them. This is a foreign concept to you, I’m aware. Shopping in town, buying clothes for our holiday that isn’t a scummy caravan or hostel for 19 hours.

In between my busy night, I sat and had a laugh, over a drink of wine, with some of these lovely women on this forum. It was fabulous 😘

And you must be seething that so many friendship groups, so many women have actually bonded due to their detest for you.

Whilst your life falls apart bit by bit, we sit and watch and laugh. We laugh at your pathetic attempts to “out” your followers and how what we post and who we are consumes your full life.

We await your demise. We called all the fall outs with friends, Dans mum and now Dan has upped and left your spotty arse. We knew that the social services would be involved. We knew that your Only Fans would fail tremendously. We knew that school mums would come out of the woodwork and be as invested as we are in you crumbling. It’s all happening and it’s fing amazing 🤩

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
Sorry where is the proof I have any man in my home when the kids are here ?? Ohhhhh yet again made up fing bollocks .

At this point this really is just wasting my time
I have seen stories of a black guy sat at the table in your living room with your children there too. The one who used your washing machine. I don’t have proof because I don’t keep ‘receipts’.


Aug 10, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.




Acting like you told him to get lost, it was the other way about.

There’s literally no one in your life that wants or like you. Dan would rather live a room in someone else’s house that share a home with you. Your kids will be next, mark my words. They will be be crying at having to go back to that house after being with Dan. You deserve the very worst that life can give you Kayleigh and it’s not long in coming.

Paul @theallegedsugardaddy please stay here. You are more than welcome. We enjoy your banter, even your cringy dad jokes 🤣 you are a victim of Kayleigh Horne the Dunstable Dickmonger and we have your back!
Apr 21, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.

Nobody is interested in your kids. It’s not a forum dedicated to slagging your kids off. People are concerned for their welfare because of your behaviour that you publicly post. You contacted one of his kids did you not and brought her into the situation? Did you forget that.
How can Paul be hurt. He rejected you 🤣

Anyway, I honestly thought the story teller would have posted all the receipts by now. Guess she was having us all on. It was entertaining atleast.