Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Aug 1, 2023
Ok, I will bid you all farewell. My intention was to come to this forum to clear my name. I have achieved that, so can leave with my head held high knowing that the truth has prevailed. I wish you all a happy and blessed life. Its been emotional!
Paul she always does this. The police thing. I don’t know why people rise to it. You have committed no crime. This is an anonymous forum. you can post what you want. She is CHOOSING to come on here and view this s. You’re not contacting her, harassing her. You are on a forum which is not illegal. I know the laws, as do others and the police will do NOTHING. They will tell her to simply not look. She is choosing to look and that is why nothing can be done.

all the times she shared people’s phone numbers, emails, posted photos of their kids, their family, contacted their workplace, their families, blackmailing people, the list is endless and do you actually see her getting done for anything. No. if she can continually get away with doing what she’s doing then surely people can see she never has a stance with the police And they won’t act on any of her allegations.

this is what pisses me off, KK threatens the police and people run. This is nothing bad against you Paul I really like you and you do what you feel best but this is how she gets away with everything EVERY SINGLE TIME and she will love that you’re leaving this forum and she will believe she’s controlled you.

I just dont get it 😬

i think you have been amazing and well done for standing up to her. The only man that has. Be proud of who you are and if I were you I would report her for harassment if she continues. Lots of us can give advice on previous situations. Take care Paul.
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Aug 1, 2023
No way she’s posted this!!

This must be her “How to Guide….”

She literally follows these daily when it comes to her online activities ☠️☠️

I love how she posts half the page and not the source etc. Pathetic to the core and FINALLY getting a taste of her own medicine. 2023 you have not disappointed 👍🏼

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everything She did to people for 5 plus years. KK you thick t, you didn’t get done did you so no one else will 😉😉😉
Think of all those victims years ago KK and the ones you’re trolling now, think of how they felt, do you not like it? Is it getting to you? But it was getting to them and you didn’t care. It’s a taste of your own medicine, you’re a cyber bully and you don’t like it when it’s thrown back at you. Maybe you shouldn’t have been a t in the first place and none of this would have happened.

you shared Paul’s photo on your profile slating him, bullying him, humiliating him, literally last month and you now have the audacity to post pathetic legal s you know NOTHING about. You post videos of some bloke you don’t even know his real name all over tik tok to THOUSANDS of people just because he was getting his leg over and fing you around, but that was okay wasn’t it to do that. To embarrass and humiliate him.

you are an embarrassment to society 🖕🏻 !

@Yammyssubstanceaddiction I hope you post all that s on her. This is the only time I’ve ever seen her scramble with panic.
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Apr 16, 2023
Ok, I will bid you all farewell. My intention was to come to this forum to clear my name. I have achieved that, so can leave with my head held high knowing that the truth has prevailed. I wish you all a happy and blessed life. Its been emotional!
Paul, don’t go. She’s spitting her dummy out because you’ve exposed her for what she is, a cheating piece of s. There is nothing illegal about that. You weren’t even the one to tell us what was in those voice notes.

Even if you don’t want to discuss the voice notes anymore, at least stay for the laughs we have When one of her side characters appears Xx


Aug 10, 2023
Well done Paul @theallegedsugardaddy for being the first male in her life to actually stand his ground and stand up for himself.

Please believe me that you have done NOTHING wrong or illegal.

There is plenty of proof on here and insta pages 😏 documenting EVERYTHING she has done to you and others. Even down to the deleted TikToks. She’s a very silly little girl who is about to land herself in a s load of trouble.

She emails / calls the police every other month and they tell her the same thing over and over again. Stay offline. But she doesn’t listen to their advice and goes looking for trouble then cries when she finds it. Her whole persona is built on lies and she hates when this is proven.

She’s already been given a caution for her online harassment of other people. I’m sure this last 6 years ehh KKK?? So she needs to be extremely careful. Out of everything she has done to you, contacting your daughter and falsely “outing” you as an Only Fans sub is what can land her in very hot water.

The next time she’s in The Sun, won’t be for a promotional story 😬

Stay for the bants Paul 😊
Apr 16, 2023
Hi, sorry first comment here, I’ve been lurking since the beginning.
I’m hard of hearing so I can’t listen to the voice notes, would someone be able to do a little transcript for me please?
This sounds very fishy.....is it so it can be used as a way of proving harassment or something. Turn your phone up you muppet.
Apr 16, 2023
Hi, sorry first comment here, I’ve been lurking since the beginning.
I’m hard of hearing so I can’t listen to the voice notes, would someone be able to do a little transcript for me please?
Read through the last 15-20 pages. You will get a good idea of what was in the voice notes based on everyone’s comments. Some are even quoted verbatim…
Apr 16, 2023
No way she’s posted this!!

This must be her “How to Guide….”

She literally follows these daily when it comes to her online activities ☠️☠️

I love how she posts half the page and not the source etc. Pathetic to the core and FINALLY getting a taste of her own medicine. 2023 you have not disappointed 👍🏼

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Let's go through point by point, shall we?

They aren't "malicious rumours" if they're true - voice notes to prove an all 😉

As far as I'm aware she hasn't been emailed or text and threatened? Unlike what she did to Paul and his daughter! That seemed quite threatening.

Mobbing - it's funny there are so many to "mob" you KKK. Perhaps you shouldn't abuse every Tom, Dick and Harry and we wouldn't find mutual friendship from your harassment and abuse of us?

Again, no ones intimidated or blackmailed her to my knowladge.

Stalking online - stalking is only doable IF you're online.. so yeah. If you don't like it KKK. Then leave the Internet.

Posting humiliating videos or images without consent - nothing posted here isn't already posted on her SM so if anyone embarrassing her, it's her.

Posting private details online without consent, again all easily and readily available thanks to Aileen and KKK herself. Complete with visuals of her front door and road that are still public on her SM accounts. #safeguarding

General bullying and stalking - she does this DAILY to yam and others.

Grooming - the only thing at risk of being groomed is her kids thanks to the many unknown men she has turning up at her house from daring sites/OF and SM.

Setting up a false profile, really @Buddha_belly @Jodiehighclub @jaggyjowls @lesbian_lisa_smith

Gaming sites? Irrelevant.

Stealing... Like she did with her go fund me for Cheese?