Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Aug 13, 2023
Dan will have 💯 seen and heard these by now. His mum will be reading on here and I’m sure Dan will too. He needs to get his kids are far away from her as he can. They are just playthings to her that she picks up and drops when she’s bored. They were an excuse to her for years, so she didn’t have to get off her fat lazy arse and work. But now they are at school she knows that excuse won’t wash. I’m assuming that’s why she’s trying to get the boy diagnosed. So she can rack in more money without her having to lift a finger or expose her flange.
I believe you can get money for the boy even without a diagnosis. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she’s already claiming for him.

I just don’t know why Dan hasn’t and isn’t going for full custody. I reckon those kids would thrive in his care full time.

The fact she’s having all these men around them, having her outbursts and ‘loosing’ it around them would be a pretty reasonable reason to take the kids and not return them (he has parental rights I assume so KK wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it!)


Aug 10, 2023
Enjoy, I cant pinpoint which pages will be most entertaining. About halfway through the 1028 pages we had a cocktail party that was pretty lit. Admin aren't a thing here so we get pretty feral.
Just ignore @Kkssugardaddypj
That's our resident crackhead.

Our resident crackhead that we keep around for the weekend bants 🤣


Aug 10, 2023
Actually I think I meant this one

She has no remorse.

It’s not like she met a guy and fell head over heels in love with him and wanted to be with him.


Imagine being that desperate for attention that you do some random, who you know do all about, behind the back of the man that’s supported you for years. Worked non stop to allow you to stay at home with the kids. Pays every single bill, including her monstrous food shopping bill, and works overtime to top up money every time she got the sack.

She will never find anyone like him again. Every single male (apart from Paul) that’s she’s met has only used her for her hole. That’s it. That’s all she’s worth. At least some guys pay prostitutes. She’s there giving it away for free, and in the house her kids are in!!!!! WTF

The video of Kev Collins should be enough for Dan to take the kids and run.
May 23, 2023
She has no remorse.

It’s not like she met a guy and fell head of heels in love with him and wanted to be with him.


Imagine being that desperate for attention that you do some random, who you know do all about, behind the back of the man that’s supported you for years. Worked non stop to allow you to stay at home with the kids. Pays every single bill, including her monstrous food shopping bill, and works overtime to top up money every time she got the sack.

She will never find anyone like him again. Every single male (apart from Paul) that’s she’s met has only used her for her hole. That’s it. That’s all she’s worth. At least some guys pay prostitutes. She’s there giving it away for free, and in the house her kids are in!!!!! WTF

The video of Kev Collins should be enough for Dan to take the kids and run.
On the forwarded video of Kev she says ’He was 200 percent going to kick off if my kids weren’t there’ but then still let’s him in her house 🫨


Apr 26, 2023
Voice notes

I’ve removed some words for clarity like ummm etc. below is what I heard, please correct me if I’ve misheard some of it

Dan speaking sounding dejected - “just wanted to let you know they both are asking for you and wondering where you went and are you coming back. And they both miss you. Just thought I’d let you know. If I was you I wouldn’t stay out too late.”
Kayleigh- “I can’t go on there all the time because my mental health is no good… it’s stuff I was posting. I don’t interact with people that rightly or wrongly don’t like me. Do you see how frustrating it is and why I can’t go on there all the time coz my mental health is no good. I don’t give a s. I don’t interact with people that rightly or wrongly don’t like me, what you do is go on an anonymous account like the fing coward you are and s them off on a trolling site coz that’s even better right?”


Kayleigh - “We got to the meal 2 hours early obviously it was on my mind that he was being a fing dick. Already I’m having to hide stuff, it was like I was cheating again… I had to hide stuff. I’m not a nasty person. I’m not a nasty person. Yes, it was wrong of me being unfaithful but I didn’t know what else to fing do, anyway I’ve got my reasons”

Thank you so much!

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
She has no remorse.

It’s not like she met a guy and fell head over heels in love with him and wanted to be with him.


Imagine being that desperate for attention that you do some random, who you know do all about, behind the back of the man that’s supported you for years. Worked non stop to allow you to stay at home with the kids. Pays every single bill, including her monstrous food shopping bill, and works overtime to top up money every time she got the sack.

She will never find anyone like him again. Every single male (apart from Paul) that’s she’s met has only used her for her hole. That’s it. That’s all she’s worth. At least some guys pay prostitutes. She’s there giving it away for free, and in the house her kids are in!!!!! WTF

The video of Kev Collins should be enough for Dan to take the kids and run.
If anything she's paying them for their attention. She's admitted before to offering to pay for takeaways so men will spend time with her (Hanky)
Apr 20, 2023
On the forwarded video of Kev she says ’He was 200 percent going to kick off if my kids weren’t there’ but then still let’s him in her house 🫨
Taunted this guy all over the internet in front of thousands of people. Outed his affair. Doesn’t know a single thing about him then let him in round her kids. She’s a fing dangerous woman and I hope every person she sends over here playing the victim can see that these social services reports are 100% justified