Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
Awwww it seems we've hit a nerve. She's now done a poll on what do you give your kids when they're sick 😂 she's thick as two planks she really is. It's not just what she's given that poor kid, it's how soon she's given it after vomiting. It's just food suffocation 24/7 with her. Feeding your kids into oblivion doesn't make you a good parent KKK.
May 23, 2023
‘You watch me, I don’t watch you’

‘I don’t care what people think’


In all seriousness I hope her little one gets better soon, it’s not nice as an adult is it, horrible when you’re a kid. But yeah hydration and electrolytes is what I’d be giving my little nittys for sure 🙏🏽
And the comment about the lucozade, she really wasn’t liked in that household was she? My mum was on the dole for a lot of my younger years but wouldn’t mind forking out for a bottle of lucozade on a sick day ffs. Tragic.


Apr 16, 2023
Well, well, well

Define the definition of thick for me?

Someone who continually leads with her chins, and likes playing stupid games and fs around and finds out 10 fold

Interesting those 6 months of friendly talk and banter on WhatsApp started in May and ended in July

Misquote of my age on every post, like its trying to upset or embarrass me. You confuse me with someone who gives a do what you think or say

Obviously has taken maths lessons from Dianne Abbott

I have said it before, I will say it again. Unblock me from your 27 Live followers, and we will go head 2 head in an impromptu Would I Lie To You live

But you will not do that as that does not fit your narrative, does it?

I looked up information for you as you stated you were worried about yours and the families safety. Nothing illegal. No inside information, as all available online.

Based on the narrative you had told me, it was the opinion that the person could have been on the register. You failed to mention that, the information you gave. Highly doubt it was actually true though

You defame and slander, write and speak facts

I may be old, but at least I won't have to pay full price for botox and lip filler
I love you
Apr 16, 2023
The rings are tacky just like her, in all seriousness they look a bit like my nans except she wore gold and my nans dead.. So that's hinting at how old she was 🤣 KKK with her sytle of a dead woman, fAsHuN🤣
Well she did take dead womans clothes home with her, then sold them on, bet she kept a few, judging by her fashion sense
Apr 16, 2023
I'm more concerned she's sent her kid back to school. Isn't it a requirement to have 48 hours off after the last bout of sickness? That and the fact I know my kids have do all energy after a sickness bug but nah, you push them back to school to infect everyone else so you can "clean" (paint over dirt) in your hovel 🤣

And going on about mums smoking next to a pram IN OPEN SPACE, OUTSIDE, when she smokes up and downstairs in her fing house? do off KKK you cock womble. When will you stop projecting your pitiful parenting on others??