Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Apr 18, 2023
Haven’t commented on this thread in ages but I am actually horrified by what I have heard and read - Kayleigh you are an abusive mother and a disgusting human being. You can sit and convince yourself you aren’t and ‘trolls’ twist the narrative to make you look bad but the fact of the matter is clear you are an unfit parent. A lot of the damage you have caused will likely lead to them having issues throughout their whole lives and you really should have never had children 😡
Apr 16, 2023
@pinotgrigio you are absolutely right. The things we have all heard today have made me sick to my stomach and I am hoping with all hope that the SS don't fall for her "malicious reports" nonsense and realise what a danger she is. I understand children are hard work but that's no excuse for raised voices and physical violence. My kids came home with accident forms every week at school due to clumsiness, and not once were bruises and marks investigated and reported to SS. Why is that? Because my kids aren't abused in their home. Schools don't raise such concerns for nothing and it's clear as day she has a temper. It's just a shame she cannot control it for the sake of her kids.
Apr 16, 2023
@FoxyWoxy123 probably to control the narrative and do damage control before he found out what she's really like, trying to excuse her abuse and neglect as "harassment" from the school. Narcassists usually have such big egos, they truly believe they're fooling everyone and they believe their own lies. These new findings are atrocious and I hope if she has notified the police of this thread, like she likes to pretend too, that they will see these as an admission of guilt, as we all have, and deal with her accordingly. I have the full 3/4 minute + voice notes, and HUNDEREDS of them and I will be happy to pass them onto the local authority if asked to provide them.


May 3, 2023
I’d be sending them to the school if I knew what school her kids go to. It’s horrendous. She’s so flippant about it all, it’s actually quite disturbing.

Her son sounds neurodiverse from what she’s stated, bear in mind we’re going on WHAT SHE HAS SAID, why wouldn’t she want the best for him and his path in life?! Is it because she’s thick and doesn’t quite understand? Or she just actually doesn’t care?

As for the not caring about her daughter going to nursery with no underwear on, calling it a simple mistake. Eh?! Is she ok? The black eye over the wee one still wanting her dummy. It’s probably the only comfort the wee tot has (her dummy). I’m so sad for them and even more concerned than I was before.
Apr 16, 2023
@EducatedMoron I know the schools, I'm just reluctant to pass on the proof as I would hate for it to mess with any SS involvement they already have. She claims malicious reports and harassment constantly. It's clear by what I have she's definitely been reported by them. This is another thing. We know Paul's a good egg, but she had no issues in divulging where her children attended school which is concerning.

And it's simply too much effort for her. She heard 5 year wait and chose by the sounds of it to give up. She is despicable.

The black eye is terrible, but what I found truly frightening was the venom in her voice when describing her daughter. Rude/obnoxious/ a liar/a bully.. she spat those words out with pure hatred.

I really am shaken, more needs to be done but I don't know what to do.


May 3, 2023
Yes, I have a daughter similar in ages to her kids and I would never describe her in those words (I mean she isn’t, because she’s raised with love and kindness, and she’s an absolute doll). Tbh, I wouldn’t even think it, but just to blurt all that out to some man (sorry Paul!) is disgusting.

The way she talks about them is like she’s some observer, that she has no part to play in her children’s behaviour. There’s no self reflection, there’s no thought process. It’s just swearing and gaslighting. It’s fing wicked.


Apr 18, 2023
@EducatedMoron I know the schools, I'm just reluctant to pass on the proof as I would hate for it to mess with any SS involvement they already have. She claims malicious reports and harassment constantly. It's clear by what I have she's definitely been reported by them. This is another thing. We know Paul's a good egg, but she had no issues in divulging where her children attended school which is concerning.

And it's simply too much effort for her. She heard 5 year wait and chose by the sounds of it to give up. She is despicable.

The black eye is terrible, but what I found truly frightening was the venom in her voice when describing her daughter. Rude/obnoxious/ a liar/a bully.. she spat those words out with pure hatred.

I really am shaken, more needs to be done but I don't know what to do.
I agree it’s difficult to know what to do - she definitely would have been reported by the school and from the sounds of it there have been concerns since nursery of the children’s welfare. It’s a shame social services are so understaffed and it is children like these that fall under the radar again and again. She’s extremely defensive when being questioned about bruises, I dread to think what happens behind closed doors in that house 😞
Apr 16, 2023
@EducatedMoron honestly, listening to those voice notes but the one about bria especially actually made me cry earlier. I just saw my own kids face and thought how can you possibly do that to a child? It's killed me. I've gone from "haha kayeighs a s mum" to "holy do, kayleigh is ACTUALLY abusing her children and they need help" but exactly. You wouldn't go in tesco and tell a stranger your kids school so why would you tell someone you've just met!

@pinotgrigio she always says SS are waisting there time when real kids need help but it seems very clear that her kids are the ones in need of helping.
Apr 16, 2023
@Lous pan of pasta yeah she claims because she's in a "scumbag area" and people "like that" go to the school, that they are all tarred with the same brush. She thinks because she looks like a state they've judged her and jumped the gun. But no. Its literally because she's abusing them. It's not the norm for this to happen. It doesn't happen to parents who aren't a problem. I will happily admit I look like a scruff in the morning on school run! Yet I have never been reported to social services.